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Donut_of_Patriotism t1_j6x8j5o wrote

Oh wow its inconclusive, totally disproves my entire theory. Remember when Trump criticized the media for reporting on that rather than just deny it? If it didn't happen then why not just deny it?

You really are trying very hard to make Russia just seem like a good actor thats misunderstood aren't you? You actually just buy into that blantant and obvious propaganda?

Its super obvious and transparent what your doing. You know Russia is evil and 100% in the wrong in this war and so you are trying to distract by arguing about unrelated issues and trying to poke holes in my arguement, except you are using broken logic and fallacy arguments.


I'm done with this, try not to drink too much of the Russia koolaid


[deleted] t1_j6yc498 wrote



[deleted] t1_j6ytk62 wrote



Vermillion_Crescent t1_j6zv86m wrote

To be fair xxxx-yyyyyy-####, when something acts like a duck, talks likes a duck, and looks like a duck, it really doesn't leave much else for interpretation. The issue isn't me thinking you're a Russian troll. The issue is you're behaving like a Russian troll. Plenty of people can voice your same opinion, and have, without your demeanor and tendencies. You just choose to be a bad faith troll instead.


[deleted] t1_j6zxahr wrote
