Submitted by EDiam77 t3_106q5rf in newjersey

So I've seen a couple posts about this but they didn't provide much evidence, and I can't seem to find any direct info from the DOL or anything regarding it for NJ. I'm currently collecting unemployment after getting laid off from my last job (long story short they threatened to do some illegal stuff to me after I gave a month's notice, I threatened to sue via the company attorney who actually had my back, they then "accepted my notice early" which the DOL still accepted as grounds for unemployment collection, to my surprise tbh). I've been job searching but can't find much around here that doesn't require a bachelors degree and 7 years experience for an "entry level" job. So, I decided to sign back up for school with the help of the Post 9/11 GI Bill to get that degree.

Obviously, the GI Bill will pay me a stipend each month which looks to be enough to cover all/most my bills, and with financial aid I pretty much have a free ride at my community college (MCCC). However, I'm wondering if my unemployment will stop because of the stipend. I see that federally, it was announced a few years back that you're disqualified from collecting UE because of that stipend, but I've also read that it varies by state.

I'll make some calls tomorrow if I don't get a conclusive answer of course, but the offices I need seem to be closed today and I get restless... what can I say!


TL;DR Can I collect unemployment in NJ while utilizing the Post 9/11 GI Bill and collecting that stipend?



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HighCaliberBullet t1_j3hz8f3 wrote

I actually collected UE and used post 9/11, but this was back in 2010. Wasn’t a lot of money combined, especially paying rent in Jersey City, I wasn’t getting as much BAH as the rate today. UE and BAH back in 2010 combined was still less than the BAH rate today in Jersey City

Perhaps the veterans rep at your school could give you a better answer. I suggest if you’re able to or eligible, apply for a service connection. If not already


EDiam77 OP t1_j3i15qr wrote

Yeah, allegedly in 2016 the law was implemented that you can't collect both, but I've seen redditors that still do so I'm a bit confused.

As for the service connection, ha. That was a nightmare. I had a few issues (primarily knees and tinnitus, I was a machine gunner in the Corps) but they:

  1. charged me copays for things I was told I wouldn't be charged copays for

  2. did an xray on my knees and no MRI after seeing no issues in the xray. Just the 6 month difficulty of those alone made me stop the process.

The only thing I'm contemplating still applying for is MH issues since I'm on the verge of starting therapy anyway, but not sure how much of a hassle that is with the VA (without divulging personal severity here publicly). I can definitely see getting a rating for it but I've also heard stories of them just shoving pills at my guys and not granting ratings even though it's definitely impeded their work and life quality.


HighCaliberBullet t1_j3i1xyw wrote

Yeah, the VA is a nightmare sometimes. I’m 70% combined….and that’s all for PTSD. I was denied tinnitus (I literally spent years in a helo) denied for sleep apnea, denied for hearing loss, denied for TBI, bi-lateral knee and ankle pain.

I couldn’t fathom why I would get denied for the hearing stuff, at least.


EDiam77 OP t1_j3i3c6q wrote

That and the sleep issues. They brought me in for a sleep study, after finally being hooked up and ready by 1 I fell asleep at 3 and was woken up by them at 5 saying I was good to leave and that I looked fine. I suppose it’s hard to get an assessment on one study but damn.

That’s excellent for you though, I’m glad you got something out of it at least! If you don’t mind me asking, what is it you do for work now? Looking at all types of work for ideas at the moment.


HighCaliberBullet t1_j3i6zc1 wrote

I’m a VSO lol


[deleted] t1_j3luhp7 wrote

what county?? I have 2 claims in right now I'm attempting on my own. I went to a c&p in a strip mall and don't think it went well...


HighCaliberBullet t1_j3luz7g wrote

Essex, but I’m no “county” VSO. What did you claim and what C&P did you get ? Sometimes an outsourced exam could be to your advantage, since they’re not in the VA system because hopefully they’re not trying to short change you


[deleted] t1_j3lwagi wrote

I went for an increase for degenerative disc disease. My back was extra F-ed up that week bc I pulled something doing firewood and the examiner seemed like she thought I was lying during my range of motion. I explained the situation and how the hour and a half drive didn't help either. I have an initial coming up for mental health and I googled the examiner and he specialized in child psychology for most of his career. I'm just kind of surprised by what VA exams are now. When I first did the process it was 2009 and I did it all at the VA hospital


HighCaliberBullet t1_j3lxcuu wrote

I had a C&P in the Bronx for whatever reason back in 2017. So I feel ya. Not quite the 4 hour drive, though.


StrategicBlenderBall t1_j3juom8 wrote

They also denied my tinnitus, because no marked hearing loss. Now I’m working on a high level review on a claim for a pinched nerve and partial paralysis of my left hand. Such a nightmare.