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New_Stats t1_j5r2pu0 wrote

I can't help you with your current situation but when I had oil heat years ago, I bought two oil filled electric radiators and they saved me a ton of money. I rented an 800 square foot shack house, it only had three rooms and a bathroom, so if your place is bigger you might need more than two radiators

Edit, oh wait, I CAN help. You can put diesel in there. Get like ten gallons or so for hot water, get the radiators for heat. Leave your cabinets open so the heat can get to your pipes,until%20a%20delivery%20is%20made.


Bitter_Branch4364 OP t1_j5r5n6f wrote

Thank you for these ideas. I’m so scared to put diesel in there but I will go hard with the heaters. It’s a normal sized house that I own with lots of windows that I love in the spring and hate in the winter.


New_Stats t1_j5r6k9m wrote

Have you put plastic on the windows? They sell kits for it and it helps a lot


g_ppetto t1_j5s2rdr wrote

Our furnace stopped working one night a few years ago. Turns out we were out of oil. The guy from our heater / oil company had a can and poured it into our tank to hold us until a delivery could be made. His next stop was a gas station that had diesel to refill the can.