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IcarusBrewing OP t1_j33pxfa wrote

Shameless plug to write your legislator via the Brew Jersey Website wherein we've made it extremely easy for you to write your Legislator and let them know just how pissed you are about the current regulations and that you support the proposed laws to modernize our regulations.

New Jersey breweries are facing unprecedented challenges. Harsh rules recently imposed on breweries jeopardize each small businesses’ livelihood as well as the future of craft beer in the Garden State. Restrictions on tasting room events, private parties, food, television programing, and live music are making it harder for breweries, not only to grow, but to survive. Each day that these rules persist, New Jersey breweries are stripped of their ability to compete in the marketplace and the opportunity to create and innovate in their industry.

I'll be very honest its becoming extremely difficult to operate a Brewery here in New Jersey, as much as we love it here we could really use the system that's killing our industry fixed once and for all.


jarrettbrown t1_j33z96t wrote

I just wish someone would do something besides an IPA. The first brewery, I think Icarus, said that it was just a basic recipe and anyone can do it differently. But it's been nothing bit IPAs, which is somewhat of a disappointment.


IcarusBrewing OP t1_j340pbh wrote

I know at least some of the breweries which told us they were releasing lagers still have them in tanks since they inherently take longer to brew


jarrettbrown t1_j341g7c wrote

Well that's good to hear and I knew that it does that longer.


Thromkai t1_j36na5a wrote

> I just wish someone would do something besides an IPA.

If you can't find someone that makes something besides an IPA, then you aren't looking. Birdsmouth and Wild Air Beerworks make lagers/pilsners. There are other breweries around the state that do the same.

I'm getting a little tired of the "nO oNe BrEwS aNyThInG bUt IpAs AnYmOrE".

Because you aren't looking and yet you aren't understanding that this is what people want so they need to bring people in. It's a business. And even Icarus brews pilsners/lagers. Some of y'all just lazy.


ClericOfThePeople t1_j36qrol wrote

It’s such a lazy response and it’s maddening, never have I struggled to find a non-IPA at a brewery or liquor store.


jarrettbrown t1_j38zlae wrote

I was talking about the fact the Jersey Brew Project, not beer in general, but sure. Icarus said in the initial post that they basically left it opened for anyone to make their own varation and now with in a another post, Icarus confirmed that there are being made, but it's gonna take some time.


playdohplaydate t1_j34hffj wrote

I just went to Belgium and had some of the greatest beer for like $4.75 a pint at restaurants in Antwerp and Brussels. In Switzerland I got a Brooklyn Lager for $6 a pint, cheaper than in the US. Europe must subsidize and regulate their stuff much differently than New Jersey does, for some obvious economic and touristic reasons, and maybe Brooklyn Lager isn’t the best comparative because it’s a NY beer, but I suppose what I’m getting at is when I want a quality beer in the US I go to the liquor store to buy it. The margins at US bars and restaurants make to too expensive. I can’t even loop breweries into it because they can’t serve food for some dumb reason.

I think when you have beer as your culture, and your very proud of that history and quality of product, you protect it. The US has a large population proud of drinking really shit, cheap beer; meanwhile the “craft beer drinker” is a running joke of white hipsters talking about IPAs with their noses in each other’s asses. Breweries and their patrons get roped into that dumb stigma and so a grand opportunity to have a better quality LOCAL product at a better quality LOCAL establishment gets squashed.

I just want a good pint for a decent price and I want it with a good meal with my friends.


CoffeeMug2021 t1_j3422b5 wrote

Glad to see Screamin Hill and Little Dog breweries participating!