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jdash OP t1_j5r5gnz wrote

You can choose your gas supplier anywhere in the country I believe but definitely in NY and NJ. It says so on your bill.

The difference in the 2 prices you see on your gas bill are delivery and supply. PSE&G is my delivery company and I cannot change that. They maintain the pipes, infrastructure, etc. But the supply is the actual gas being pumped through the lines and you can choose who provides that. It's sort of like if you think about TMobile and how they have cell towers everywhere. You can use Tmobile cell service on TMobile towers or you can use any of the discount cell services that also run off the TMobile towers. It's about buying up a bulk rate or some such.

Anyway, you definitely can choose. When I lived in NYC, I changed my supplier from ConEd to a different one that was 30% cheaper for gas. I still got a bill from ConEd for delivery but my supply bill came from another company and it was cheaper.