Submitted by retrocollector420 t3_zxfqf0 in newjersey

My girlfriend and I are from NJ, we are seeing a concert in the Bowery on NYE, and are trying to figure out how to get in and out of the city. Typically we take the NJ transit train in and out through Penn station, but I'm worried about the sheer amount of people that will be doing the same. Can who has ridden NYE trains attest to this?

I was thinking it might be easier to park my car at the Path train in Hoboken, and take the Path in and out of the city. Am I stupid to think I'll be able to find a parking space in Hoboken after 6PM on NYE? I don't mind paying for a spot if it will be that more convenient.

Outside of trains/busses I'm not sure what else could be a viable option. I definitely will not drive into the city, between the traffic and drunk folks walking around. What I'm most concerned about is the congestion of people. I just want to know that there will be room on a train for us, when thousands of people are exiting Manhattan at once. Thanks in advance for any advice!



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rollotomasi07071 t1_j1zzs8o wrote

PATH train. Always use the PATH train. The frequent service and overnight hours make it a no-brainer. Park in Harrison.


Mrs_Lemons t1_j20a1hl wrote

Yep, and I’d suggest taking the WTC line as the 33rd gets much too close to midtown. Also agreed about parking near Harrison - Hoboken is going to be packed.


jess91939 t1_j20hgcp wrote

That's what I did when I had to go from Newark to Times Square TWICE a few years back on NYE. Pretty smooth service.


Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j20apg3 wrote

PATH out of Harrison is the only right answer


HeyItsPanda69 t1_j20gg9j wrote

NJ Transit will be adding plenty of extra service trains to cover the ridership. They do every year lol. Last year they even held the 12:05am train to run a half hour later bc it would be silly to take an empty train out since everyone would be celebrating. The path is most likely easier, but I wouldn't want to try to find parking at Hoboken. Then again I live down on the shore so the path isn't as convenient for me as NJT is.


retrocollector420 OP t1_j20h4jf wrote

I live about 45+ min away from the PATH myself which is why I didn’t automatically choose to take that route. Your anecdote is exactly what I was looking for! Did you find that when people did start to board your train, that it was more crowded than usual?


HeyItsPanda69 t1_j20hcg7 wrote

I went last year and it was dead lol. That may have been due to COVID still hitting the city. I left around 1am and the train had all 10 cars open and I found a seat pretty easy. Maybe 40% full? Lol


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j20jfkj wrote

You will never find open parking in Hoboken. Period.

Park in a garage, walk to the PATH and move on with your life.