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Hustler_One t1_j1jtdq8 wrote

For as much as I can hate PSE&G at times I am happy to not have JCP&L. After Hurricane Sandy PSE&G put a ton of money upgrading the grid in my area and our lights don't even flicker during the heaviest storms anymore.


kernelmustard t1_j1jymcy wrote

This will be the 3rd Christmas in the last 10 years where we won't have power. It's pretty pathetic.


PurpleSailor t1_j1kef7x wrote

Heck, the crew from Ohio that restored my hoods power after hurricane Irene said the lines hadn't been worked on since they were put up in the mid 40's. JCP&L is pathetic with their "maintenance". My power goes out so frequently I had to buy a generator.