Submitted by ComprehensiveStep692 t3_ypt3n4 in newjersey

I received 8 letters from different lawyers Monday night (11/7) saying “pay us to defend you” and they all had my name and 2 of the 8 had a ticket number. I looked it up, and it’s legit. I go to the municipal building for the town this morning, (Tuesday 11/8) I got my ticket from, and the lady pulls up 5 different violations from the same date/time! (Thurs 11/3, 3:05p)

I don’t recall doing anything wrong. There weren’t any construction or marks. But 3/5 tickets are: failure to follow marks, improper turn on marks, traffic in marked lanes. The other two are careless driving and failure to stop for pedestrian. It was a school zone so we’re all going 25mph, and I usually always stop for the kids. I didn’t see any trying to cross as I was going by that day, so this really baffles me. I wasn’t pulled over and didn’t receive any tickets via mail. Thinking maybe a camera or video caught my plates? After some calculations, I could be $1300 fined, 10 years prison, and some extra community service. Most likely, I don’t think I’ll get prosecuted TO THE MAX but I’m still very worried.

This is my first ticket in 10 years of driving. Idk what to do but I’m super anxious. I’m going to look for some lawyers to help, but I wanted to post here to ask for some help, guidance, or insight.



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polyatomicbomb t1_ivkocnq wrote

First things first - were you at that place on that date/time? I've never heard of getting these types of tickets in any way other than from a cop directly.


[deleted] t1_ivkoim5 wrote



fidelesetaudax t1_ivksbyw wrote

You don’t want to tell the court that. Tell the court you have no knowledge of any such tickets. Plead not guilty. Demand they provide “Discovery” (All proof they intend to use in court). If that proof doesn’t provide in-person positive identification of you move to have them dismissed. If the court refuses to dismiss and the prosecutor refuses whatever you feel an appropriate downgrade for a plea agreement may be, then you may need to hire an attorney.


ComprehensiveStep692 OP t1_ivl64ag wrote

I plan to hire a lawyer now, but the first court appearance isn’t until the 16th. Should I wait or get one early? Trying to avoid whatever payment possible, but idk how this works.


fidelesetaudax t1_ivljw0t wrote

A lawyer will follow the steps above. If you’re not comfortable taking Reddit advice to DIY at court, by all means obtain a lawyer.
Your first appearance is called “arraignment”, you’re not allowed to do anything but plead not guilty. At that time the judge will advise you to get an attorney and ask if you can afford one etc. Better to wait till then to engage an attorney and avoid that one (unnecessary) appearance fee.


ComprehensiveStep692 OP t1_ivlqgil wrote

Thank you! That’s what I was wondering. I didn’t know the steps to these things.


GitEmSteveDave t1_ivlw268 wrote

I wonder if a school bus driver reported it to the resource officer or local PD and got your plate wrong. I believe NJ is a state where they can file an official report and the police will issue summones based on it.


ComprehensiveStep692 OP t1_ivlx5wc wrote

That’s possible, but the papers have my name on it. And I wasn’t even driving my own car that day, which was very strange. I was driving my dads, but the site and municipal office pinpointed me. Could it be possible for an officer who was crossing the street to report me? Because the school zone is also along the road to the police department and the fire department.


GitEmSteveDave t1_ivmd3x8 wrote

Unless they contacted your father or had contact with you, this makes even less sense now, unless you are the registered Owner of the vehicle.


ComprehensiveStep692 OP t1_ivmersi wrote

Definitely not. My dad wouldn’t be speaking to any officer lol. And my name isn’t under that car. The whole situation is just really strange. I’ve panicked the entire morning and cried a bit about 2 hours ago thinking the worst lol. But tbh I don’t think there’s much I can do but wait for the first court date.


SnooWords4839 t1_ivmssg7 wrote

Wait!! They have to have the make and model of the car.

If the car you were driving isn't in your name something is totally off!!


ComprehensiveStep692 OP t1_ivmt6g9 wrote

Yea so I’m talking with my dad about this. The car is his, but they had my name written on all 5 violations. My address is also in another town, but the lawyer’s ads were sent to his place, not mine. I have not received anything via mail to my address. He thinks this is SUPER sus, which I’m like oh shit you’re right! Nothing really makes sense.


SnooWords4839 t1_ivmub6f wrote

Something is fishy for sure!! If you were not pulled over, they would not have your name and dad would be getting the tickets, which he can say he wasn't in his car at that time, he was at work.


ComprehensiveStep692 OP t1_ivmumjt wrote

But what could it possibly be then? I think this is worse than just a fucking ticket….


SnooWords4839 t1_ivmv2nj wrote

Might be worth a call to a lawyer.

Sounds like the police wrote up some BS tickets.


Financial-Belt-802 t1_ivkx2ui wrote

You should talk w a lawyer, get thier take on this. Paying a lawyer might be cheaper than the fines and any hits on your insurance premiums.


ComprehensiveStep692 OP t1_ivl6fyz wrote

Absolutely. That’s what I’m planning, but I wanted some insight on how I should tackle this problem. Only thing I have is to google “lawyers in cranford nj” so


peter-doubt t1_ivmofwl wrote

11/3 violation, and they're chasing you already?

I'd want the witness (= cop) and / or video proof. And definitely don't plead guilty to anything without it.

I went to one court and played dumb - no lawyer.. the judge talked a bit, asked what happened.. he offered a few possible transgressions, I found a minor issue to answer yes (obstructing traffic). Certainly less onerous than the careless driving on the ticket. Cop had a complaint because it took 40 minutes for him to show up... Didn't like donut time shortened.

Offer a simple story that can be interpreted differently... Let the judge ask for details.. find something to say yes to... Or they'll likely make you come back.


ComprehensiveStep692 OP t1_ivmqt5f wrote

Wait, how long does it normally take for them to chase you down? This is my first traffic ticket. And especially weirder that I still haven’t got a physical ticket, mailed or pulled over. I’ve gotten parking tickets where usually I’ll know I’m in the wrong so I just pay and move on.


peter-doubt t1_ivmzrpu wrote

They'd issue a bench warrant.. effect of that varies but usually puts you in a cell when they catch you, and impound your vehicle.

I've also never heard of anything this fast or this impersonal. You want to see what evidence they have !!


Mr_Haad t1_ivksc0y wrote

Fight those tickets, take them to trial. It depends on you whether you want to hire a lawyer If you aren’t comfortable defending yourself. This happened to me also. The prosecutor couldn’t prove that I physically was driving the vehicle. No pics from the officer’s dash cam and no cameras in the surrounding area. Make them prove you were driving the vehicle. Took a year to get the court to dismiss the tickets. Probably because I was defending myself though. They give defendants with lawyers priority in traffic court. This was strictly my experience though.


acoreilly87 t1_ivl6ma7 wrote

I’m not a lawyer, but I would recommend you talk to one! Defending yourself in court is usually not a great idea. Ask around for recommendations and call one as soon as you can, so they have time to work on your case.


Mr_Haad t1_ivl9o5s wrote

Honestly I can’t give a reason why I didn’t get a lawyer. Anger that I got moving violations in the mail probably. Even though it worked out for me at the time I will definitely hire a lawyer next time.


ComprehensiveStep692 OP t1_ivl7lqd wrote

I think I might just hire a lawyer, if that’s the case. Either way I’m trying to figure out what the hell happened…


Mr_Haad t1_ivl9zv0 wrote

Probably your best bet. I wouldn’t wish what I went through with the NJ courts on anyway.


mcgeggy t1_ivkzz6b wrote

> and I usually always stop for the kids.



NewNewark t1_ivkvvcy wrote

No camera or video system in NJ.

You must have done something pretty damn egregious for a cop to cite you like that.

The tickets read like a driver was stopped to let a ped cross and you went around them


ComprehensiveStep692 OP t1_ivl6a1c wrote

No, definitely didn’t. I’m really trying to figure out what could’ve happened. Only thing I could imagine was someone trying to cross and I didn’t stop for them. But 5 fucking charges?? Something just ain’t right… but idk how to fight this.


Wzd_JA t1_ivojs46 wrote

Check the date, time and location for each of the tickets along with the vehicle description and see if it's something that you could have actually done. Something similar has happened to me twice. I got tickets in the mail about parking offences or speeding both from towns I've never been to with cars that don't match the one I owned at the time and in one case my car had just been totaled the week before I supposedly was speeding with it.

In both cases i contacted the court and explained it couldn't have been me. I had to file some paperwork and send in a copy of my registration but the charges were dropped both times without ever setting foot in a courtroom


rtk117117 t1_ivok6cl wrote

Honestly you do not need a lawyer yet. It’s not the end of the world. It’s just going to take time. First step is to call the number on the back of the ticket and plea not guilty. Secondly go to court and see what they have. It will be your first court appearance so do not feel pressure to do anything stupid. Thirdly, after finding out what they have, simply plea not guilty and tell them you need a lawyer. Finally, good,bad, or indifferent you should consult a lawyer (who will definitely be more experienced than you) and listen to their advice. Good luck.


kristennnnnnnnn t1_ivpvdcg wrote

Please update us on what happens!


ComprehensiveStep692 OP t1_ivrobnr wrote

Requested body cam footage of the officer that reported me. Will find out if I actually did something or if this is some bullshit. In the meantime, thinking about extending the first court date from next week to some time after.