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PurpleSailor OP t1_ixor2bc wrote

Should be thawed by Saturday. That's what I get for buying a 21 pound frozen bird on Monday. This package of the famous NJ pork disc came with the mythical 7th slice, a rare but welcomed occurrence


george_washingTONZ t1_ixosca0 wrote

Pork roll, egg, and cheese will forever be an acceptable breakfast/lunch/dinner in the great state of NJ! Hope your turkey thaws sooner than later. Happy Thanksgiving!


JAFO4hire t1_ixovkxp wrote

Clearly, you got the better end of this situation.


RecommendationOdd486 t1_ixoyerf wrote

This is clearly a bastardized sandwich. You are forever banned from NJ. What the hell kind of bread is that?!?


rangerpax t1_ixp59bj wrote

>I was wishing I had picked up 2 hard rolls when I got the Jersey pork discs on Monday

Improvising, yes, I understand -- but stores were open today too, so don't think you are forgiven for "it's the only bread I had." But, you did get a runny yolk...

Also, "Jersey pork discs" lol.

Happy thanksgiving.


storm2k t1_ixp5b52 wrote

kudos to you for cooking a proper egg for that sandwich, one with a proper runny yolk. i hate that most every place that makes them smashes the yolks so they're completely cooked thru.


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_ixpbqib wrote

No, no, no. People! We gotta draw the line somewhere. This "hey look, it's a pork roll/Taylor ham sandwich, give me karma" shit has to end. This isn't a name debate comment. We gotta come together and tell people no, you aren't going to abuse us, and the great holiday of Thanksgiving for some karma farming. For fuck sake, it's on white bread that looks like it's from a bag. Like bro, if it's not a kaiser roll or a bagel, it's not acceptable as a breakfast sandwich in New Jersey.

As I write this, it has 121 upvotes. I beg of you my fellow Jersey people, put a stop to this. Say no to such low effort karma farming and especially such low effort sandwiches and take a stand! Speak up and downvote so that actual good posts and good sandwiches make it to the front page.


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_ixpc9il wrote

Nah, a proper one is meant to be able to be a to go sandwich. You simply can't do a yolk like that as a to go sandwich, way too messy. You'd only be able to make one like this if dining in or doing it yourself at home. I'm not disputing whether or not it is better tasting, but if it's not quick and easy handheld food for that always on the go commuter Jersey life, it's not a proper sandwich. A proper sandwich would be wrapped in paper and would be leaking yolk because it was squeezed into the sandwich wrap if it was cooked like that.


BlessedJiggers t1_ixpu0yc wrote

Wasn’t Wawa open? Gobblers are as legitimate a Thanksgiving meal as any home-cooked spread, just saying.


glorydaze2 t1_ixq5bnl wrote

points off for the white bread..kaiser roll damit


luxury_yacht t1_ixq7ufh wrote

Oh boy! Another picture of Taylor Ham!


illigal t1_ixqcugn wrote

Bruh- big plastic tub in the shower with trickling cold water over it! Defrosts a big frozen bird over night.


hazmatt019 t1_ixqf16w wrote

OmG that looks good! Nice recovery.


gordonv t1_ixqfnqw wrote

I dunno about the only other meal.

Different ethnics hold onto their traditional foods.


Monkeybomber t1_ixqhypl wrote

For next time, just brine it. I had a 20lb bird that was still pretty solid Wednesday morning. Immerse the bird in a big pot with .5lbs of salt and brown sugar each plus some warm but not hot water, then throw it in the fridge. It'll thaw much faster.


pete_blake t1_ixqk5i2 wrote

Not gonna lie, that looks absolutely amazing!!!


comsixfleet t1_ixqyz1v wrote

Jesus Christ toast that bread or don’t post


Normal-Yogurtcloset5 t1_ixrxxcj wrote

The next time I visit Jersey I’m stocking up on Taylor Ham. I live outside of Albany, NY, now and it isn’t available here.


Dr-EJ-Boss t1_ixs1pdl wrote

I love Taylor ham egg and cheese but that looks horrid. Undercooked meat, runny yolk with nothing to absorb it, and I will never understand why people put ketchup on eggs…. Try a little mustard on the meat side and butter on the egg side. 😋