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shbd12 t1_iy3rtba wrote

Patch news is pretty lame, but so is it's a local news desert, sadly.


masterofmayhem13 t1_iy3stbv wrote

It's not a local news desert. There are a ton of opportunities for local news (, patch, APP, etc...). They ALL however are heavily monetized and you have to deal with this. It is annoying, however is it really any different than paying for cable and sitting through all the commercials and sponsorships on news12? It sucks outright, and I am always looking for a better way to get my local news, but NJ is definitely not a news desert.


EbolaFred t1_iy49adf wrote

I have ZERO issue with sites monetizing to pay their bills.

But there's a huge difference between lots of ads and the site being usable, e.g. CNN and Fox, and so laden with ads and trackers that the site doesn't even render half the time, e.g. and some of the other mainstream news sites.


mattemer t1_iy6szpk wrote

Can we all agree that the weather channels website is the worst?


love2Vax t1_iy547s3 wrote

I have loading and rendering issues all the time on it sucks, but there are times when it is the best source of info, so I still look from time to time.


CaptnSisko t1_iy3u6b1 wrote

APP used to be great (content probably still is) but their website and APP are horrible. I used to get the paper delivered 7 days a week when it was like $40/month or so for the delivery. Once they jacked it up to like $80/month I had to stop it. I called and got a lower rate a few times but every three months they wanted to raise it back up. I'm sure with less people getting the paper delivered the $40 wasn't covering the costs.


dashingpandas t1_iy3s3bj wrote

Definitely lame, but occasional local stuff pops up that's useful.