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linusgirl1011 t1_iyd0blm wrote

Reply to comment by zoicyte in The last Futuro house in NJ by FGoose

It's in Mill Creek Park in Willingboro!


zoicyte t1_iyd16ja wrote

Oh Willingboro. That explains a lot.

Yeah I’m gonna guess maybe $150k tops.


the_last_carfighter t1_iydp44i wrote

150K? IDK, the future sure is looking bleak though.


zoicyte t1_iyeetfc wrote

The land is probably worth $80k by itself. The building may have some intrinsic value if it’s not so busted as to still be salvageable, but it’s so niche that most people might just want to tear it down, so it could work either way.

As far as I can tell the land isn’t even listed and hasn’t been in years. So it’s really anyone’s guess.


starlingrr t1_iydj0zd wrote

do you know why its randomly in the middle of this park?


SursumCorda-NJ t1_iydycha wrote

It's actually on the edge of the park but to answer your question, it used to house the PAL office back when we still had that.


linusgirl1011 t1_iydlyfh wrote

Honestly, I haven't a clue on that. It's definitely interesting to look at. Being the kind of person I am, I'm really curious what it looks like inside, but it's all boarded up on the entrance/doorway.