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THROWAWAYHELLLLL OP t1_ivr7ekb wrote

That is perfect thank you! I think there is a ShopRite in Gloucester somewhere, I went there a few times but it's been a while. Better to travel a bit then shop at the small owned convenience stores where milk is like 67 dollars (I love small businesses but Jesus I can't).

I save as much as possible, I average about 150-200 a month though I deff have gone over my budget a few times to compensate. I budget regularly, and minister my finances every day because I can't stand being surprised in finances. Everything is monitored and tracked using budget apps and my online banking, which also has a built in finance tracker.

Any help is appreciated! I don't need a modern home much, as long as it is livable, has power and won't fall over in a month I'll love it forever. I will deff take any advice to make that happen before I turn 75 lol. I appreciate your expertise in this.


RivChk t1_ivt3b76 wrote

if you have the ability & energy, having a part time job during the holidays or a side hustle (like door dash) could help you build your down payment faster.