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JerseyWiseguy t1_iwekhdx wrote

I've lived in Washington Township (which surrounds the town of Washington), and I recently moved from Oxford. It really can be much cheaper to live there than even a little bit farther east, like Hackettstown. And it's not exactly "rural" living--both of those places I owned had things like natural gas, public sewage, public water, (Comcast) cable, etc. The people are generally nice enough, and the crime rate is lower than more urban areas.

The biggest negative I found is that it can be a little bit far to get anywhere. It was like 10 minutes to a (mediocre) grocery store, and more like 20-25 minutes to a Walmart or Home Depot or some good restaurants. And, of course, if you commute anywhere to work, that extra time and miles can really add up. So, it always seem like such a "chore," to go out and get any real shopping or errands done.

Hope that helps some.


Phil_ODendron t1_iwetuq2 wrote

> It was like 10 minutes to a (mediocre) grocery store, and more like 20-25 minutes to a Walmart or Home Depot or some good restaurants.

It's amazing how spoiled we are in NJ compared to much of the rest of the country. Only 10 mins to a grocery store?! And having a decent selection of restaurants within 30 mins!


tomorrow06 t1_iwh8q79 wrote

as an NJ native living in GA for past four years for college we certainly are very spoiled haha! it feels like it takes all day to run simple errands because everything is so far 😂