Submitted by Socially2019 t3_yklfn7 in newjersey

Hi all,

I rented an apartment in South Jersey with more than $1k security deposit in 2021. I renewed in Feb 2022 with lease break option as I was actively looking for home. I purchase in August 2022 and gave 2 months notice as required and landlord charged 2 and half months as exit fee which I paid. Never owned rent and always paid on the first of the month for the entire period I lived there.

I just received my security deposit and was mad that instead of $1000+ I paid, the apartment office sent me $90 check and the reason they gave was that there was carpet stain all over the apartment . They basically charged $320/year for carpet cleaning when in fact I rent the property for 2 years and the 2nd year broke my lease and paid the contractual fees. Also, there was no stain in the property when I exited, normal foot traffic in a house I lived for close to 2 years. I feel this is extortion and very upset about the situation.

I want to know what are my options to get my money back from this complex.



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liz11o3 t1_iutsth2 wrote

First ask for an itemized invoice for charges related to repairing the issue. Normal wear and tear is standard and acceptable. Hopefully you have some pictures of the condition you left the apartment when you left.


Socially2019 OP t1_iutt0sy wrote

Itemized documents show carpet stain.


liz11o3 t1_iutwir4 wrote

I would respond by saying their “invoice” is unresponsive and to provide an itemized invoice showing the charges incurred for carpet cleaning including the company they hired, date of service, and the charges for cleaning service. There’s no way a carpet cleaning cost $900. It’s up to them to provide evidence as to why they needed to withhold over $900 from you.


throw495887 t1_iuts337 wrote

Sue in small claims. It’s the only option


selias3 t1_iutw4mv wrote

Same Situation like you with rent for less than 2 years and buying house, loosing 2.5 month for early termination crap. but luckily when I first moved in, I noticed that the microwave handle plastic was little broken and sent a photo to management notifying them. They took $165 from my security deposit when I left. I sent back old photo with time stamp and dug my old email and they apologized and gave me money back.


JudyLyonz t1_iutxyic wrote

Lesson learned too late.

First, when you move in, walk through the apt with the landlord (or apt mgr) and make a not of any issues on the lease: damaged or dirty walls, old or stained carpets, broken appliances, etc. Next, take pictures of anything that is not in order.

When you move out, take pictures of the entire place to show the condition when you moved out.

Finally, if there is anything withheld from the security, they are required to provide you with an itemized listing. How long you lived in a place only matter in connection to security deposits in that there are allowances granted for normal wear and tear. A person who has lived in a place for 10 years will have more leeway for wear and tear than someone who only lived in a place for 1 year.

So the first thing to do is to ask your former landlord for an itemized listing of what the deductions are for. If the carpet is dirty then the charge should be for cleaning or replacing it. Otherwise, check with an attorney to see what your options are if you disagree with the charges.


Socially2019 OP t1_iutzn6o wrote

Letter that came with the charge says withholding was for carpet stain for 3 year charge. I lived in the house for 2 years so I could not understand 3 year charge?


DieselNewmanArthur t1_iuv07rp wrote

That’s very expensive carpet cleaning, wow. I think there’re taking advantage of you. And even if there’s stains on the carpet that’s part of living, they can’t except them to stay clean with people living there.


Morningnewsandcoffee t1_iutshh3 wrote

Do you have photos of the condition of the carpets when you moved out? Do you have photos when you moved in? Ask them how old the carpets were when you moved in and ask for proof. Depending on the age of the carpet you might also be able to argue that the carpets were at their replacement life and they tried to get you to pay for new carpets.


Linenoise77 t1_iuwpquz wrote

It depends on if you want to call your landlords bluff, and want to deal potentially with the hassle of filing and court costs.

Most likely your landlord will back down if you threaten or settle if you go through with it. Most courts are tenant friendly in NJ, and the penalties if your landlord goofs off with your security deposit are clear.

Your landlord can't do anything to YOU, especially if you don't expect to need a reference any time soon if you press your case. Even if you take him to court over it and lose, you are only out a few hundred bucks in court costs and your time and hassle.

Its really a question as to who is 900 bucks worth more to.


Socially2019 OP t1_iutsuzq wrote

I did not take photos. Would it be on me to provide evidence or them to do so since they argue ithe stain was the reason?