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Superfool t1_irliadk wrote

I'll be absolutely sick if Kean becomes my congressman just because of his magic "R". Answers no questions, makes no public statements, refuses to meet with independent groups for endorsement. Meanwhile Malinowski has been a transparent, thoughtful, accessible, and productive congressman. NJ really threw him to the wolves with the redistricting.


TEC_SPK t1_irmgqxv wrote

They slaughtered Malinowski's odds to put armor on Andy Kim. Maybe makes sense if you're a democrat playing the long game, but I'm just an independent in Malinowski's territory happy with his record so far, looking to keep my local representation intact. F all gerrymandering no matter which party does it.


mjdlight t1_irmuy1b wrote

Malinowski still has a puncher’s chance, 538 currently gives him 35 percent odds to hold on. Dems in the 7th must drive turnout like there is no tomorrow.


Yohzer67 t1_irmh4rq wrote

Gottheimer’s district also went from a toss up to +10D.



Newnjgirl t1_irmvgzd wrote

I'm in Gottheimer's district and he is such hot garbage. Wish I could vote for Malinowski or Kim.


storm2k t1_irq6ws8 wrote

kim, goettheimer, and sherill. malinowski got the short end of the stick because he won by the skin of his teeth two years ago.


storm2k t1_irq707l wrote

sadly it was because he barely beat kean last time around. it sucks. i am mostly happy with the work malinowski has been doing in the district, but we're likely stuck with kean jr next year who will just vote for whatever bullshit national r's tell him to.