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TheRacoonist t1_iu9qiaq wrote

I've got 10 bags ready to go. All stuff I like so if there's anything left I'm good 🎃


SnooWords4839 t1_iu9sxh7 wrote

I do snack bags of chips and pretzels, plan for 100 and am done. Any leftovers, hubby has with his lunch.


[deleted] t1_iu9wcjj wrote

I don't live in NJ anymore (sad face)

My apartment building where I live now doesn't have too many kids, but my neighbors have 3 so we'll probably just buy a small bag and give them some candy. Back when I actually lived in NJ, I lived on a tiny cul-de-sac that barely anyone knew existed but that actually had kids so we also got a small bag at the time. And then donate the rest (or eat it myself)


WhatIsTickyTacky t1_iu9ws9r wrote

We have about 30 pounds ready to go. With Halloween being on Monday, and a lot of people “trunk or treating” over the weekend, I am not sure we will go through all of it this year.


kittyglitther t1_iu9xc8w wrote

I don't get trick or treaters, I don't buy any.


stickman07738 t1_iu9xt11 wrote

Six bags, it use to be 10 but less kids in neighborhood the last few years.


333cdh333 t1_iua6wtp wrote

I don’t live in a development that has many people participate so I take my kids to their grandparents to trick or treat in theirs. In the past I had left a bowl out with some treats and barely anything was taken.

Now I just wait until the after holiday deals to snag a bag for myself and fiancé.


tashabunn t1_iua6ypt wrote

I have four large bags of candy. Like another commenter said it’s candy I like so it won’t get wasted.

The amount of candy you get depends on how many trick-or-treaters you get and how long you actually want to answer the door. Or fill up a bowl.

I hate it. My dogs bark the entire night.


TodayTime8321 t1_iuae71b wrote

Past few years we haven’t had a whole lot of trick or treaters so I’m sticking to 2 bags this year.


ElBomberoLoco t1_iud519q wrote

None. I live on a busy road and don't get any trick-or-treaters. IN the 12 years I've had this house, I've maybe gotten 6 total.


i_do_it_all OP t1_iud8wld wrote

ya. it's rough on busy street. in our town we get kids from like 5 neighboring town. they all congregate here so we really enjoy yhr crowd.

I ended up getting 40lbs candy this year. hopefully they will show.