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thinkfuryerself t1_irtz3r8 wrote

Local here. This is incredibly infuriating - I know some MTBers in the area who have met the artist and described how much she loved making these. She was in the process of making more. This is borderline /r/iamatotalpieceofshit material.

Saw the damage for myself this weekend when my brother was visiting and I wanted to show him them for the first time. Initially thought that it was the remnants of Ian that knocked them over.


scooterbike1968 t1_iru26nj wrote

Set up a go pro for security and get your trail building crew to help her out to rebuild. Allaire MTBers are many and great. Maybe a Sabre Tooth Tiger Woods

Edit: this is sad, but there’s also an opportunity here. I think it would be awesome for the community to bring her across the street to the main trails and display new pieces of art there. A rebirth of sorts. This gets it attention. I would love it to be seen more.


Phil_ODendron t1_iru7utw wrote

Robin (the artist) is a very cool person, I went out there one day and talked to her about her artwork. This was a relatively quiet part of Allaire State Park, but her dinosaurs turned it into something of an attraction. She never expected that her sculptures would draw so many people in. It really sucks to see that some asshole set out to intentionally destroy it.


the_last_carfighter t1_irw2syi wrote

>borderline r/iamatotalpieceofshit material.

Oh it's not borderline. They are right in there.


mcgeggy t1_irtp01c wrote

Fucking stupid people everywhere.


jaymon1974 t1_irtntfo wrote

Paywall blocked but getting the general idea that people are assholes and destroyed the sculptures


ratatosk212 OP t1_irto2sa wrote

Sorry, guess I haven't run out of free articles. But yes that's the long and short of it. Those dinosaurs were unique creations and some idiots smashed them to bits.


WhiterRice t1_irtzvff wrote


Knobbies4Ever t1_iru72oj wrote

Thanks for the link. This is really a shame. I only get down to Allaire like once a year - but seeing the Dinos was a highlight of those rides. I hope the artist will keep building in the park.


thefudd t1_irveqac wrote

People are fucking trash


snarkuzoid t1_irufn8b wrote

People are such assholes.


hoopthot t1_irvv1fa wrote

My friend group and I made the 3 teepees near the head of the trail to the right hand side in 2018 and we loved looking at them and were fascinated how someone could even do that with sticks, it's absurdly sad what happened and I really hope they're rebuilt.


onlyme1984 t1_irusre5 wrote

And I can’t even draw a stick figure


kjb9898 t1_irvn837 wrote

We’re going camping at Allaire with Cub Scouts this weekend and we were going to look for them. Heard this last night and I agree, it’s completely infuriating that people can be such pieces of shit.


sri745 t1_irvill0 wrote

The pictures look amazing and this is really a shame that people felt the need to destroy them.


vasquca1 t1_irvkzx3 wrote

Anti-dinosaur folks cannot be trusted


Warrior_of_Peace t1_irx34a5 wrote

It’s interesting how someone destroying art brings more attention to the art (and artist) itself. If not for this, I doubt I would have heard of these dinosaur sculptures or the artist at this time. I certainly hope the artist rides this wave and creates more beauty despite the drawback. Much love and strength to her.


Colossicus t1_iry8m0h wrote



ratatosk212 OP t1_irybo4i wrote

I saw them last year and I'm glad I did. It's the kind of thing you keep putting off until something like this happens.


iamstrugglin t1_irycqhv wrote

So easy to destroy things, it's a shame. I hope the artist isn't discouraged by this and they see it as an opportunity to create something even greater.


Shoddy_Ad_6082 t1_irvw262 wrote

Children love to knock things over and make messes, it is built into us to destroy as much as build.
