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Linenoise77 t1_itzz4pp wrote

Good luck. Make sure you fully understand what you are signing up for if your company is shelling out cash.

Most of the time they are pretty reasonable with the agreement, even if you need to break it part of the way through. But i have seen some companies be tools about it or have insane requirements. for 10k they should really only be asking you to guarantee a year for every year they shell out at the most, and should be guaranteeing you a position and\or pay bump at some point as part of it.

Edit: last piece of advice, make sure you discuss this with your boss and their boss as well. Even if it isn't, you want to approach this and set it up in their mind as a mutual investment for you and the company. They may have some advice as to where they think your focus should be applied, what the path for you looks like as you progress and finally get it, etc.

You don't want to dump something on their desk to sign, and have them start thinking, "once this person has it and has met our requirements, they are going to bounce". That will hurt your career while you are taking it, and possibly cause them to hold you to the agreement that comes with your 10k as strictly as they can. Ideally you want to make it seem like your company was the one that helped you make up your mind to go for your MBA.

"Hey boss, i've been thinking.....if i went back for my MBA.....what do you think makes the most sense for me in terms of advancing here...what would YOU do if you were me...."