Submitted by heethark t3_yfeqft in newjersey

I posted this in r/legal with no responses, so I thought I’d ask here. I’m kinda desperate for an answer and am finding conflicting answers when I google this issue.

Moved in a 4 story multi-unit apartment building February of this year. Heard whispers of bed bug problems every once in a while, but did not inquire with management. Found out yesterday the state health department was here… on my floor… because they got 6 calls of an infestation.

They found dead bed bugs in the public dryer we have recently used on our floor.

Management hasn’t said shit to any of us. I’m pissed. There were exterminators here in July and august with bedbug sniffing dogs, but I didn’t know there was an infestation. I feel like an idiot but I just didn’t know… have never dealt with bedbugs before… they just aren’t prevalent in the southern states where I’m from. To top it off, I have a 2 month old infant, and this is just so worrisome for me.

We don’t have any in the apartment that I know of as of today… but I’m learning they can crawl through air conditioning vents. I bought diametric earth for the threshold today. Mattresses are in bedbug covers.

QUESTIONS I NEED ANSWERS TO: Can I break the lease? Were they supposed to tell us so that we can take proper precautions? Are they allowed to keep moving people into this building knowing there is an infestation?

Our lease is up in February but we hate it here and the bedbug issue is now the straw that broke the camels back.

Thanks for reading and for any help you may have!!!



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onlyme1984 t1_iu3bbva wrote

NJ Tenant Rights Handbook has a subsection about bedbugs in Chapter 6: Your Right to Safe and Decent Housing


heethark OP t1_iu3d8b2 wrote

Thank you!! I read this and still didn’t see anything about whether they are required to disclose or not… or if I can break the lease. I’m hoping to find that answer!


onlyme1984 t1_iu3fowy wrote

Found this Bulletin on DCA website. There’s something called Constructive Eviction which says if landlord is negligent then tenant can’t be held responsible for rent on remainder of the lease…I’m no lawyer and I’m sure this is just a brief explanation but maybe this can help/point you in the right direction.


heethark OP t1_iu3fzk8 wrote

This is definitely close to what I’m looking for. Thank you so much!!


onlyme1984 t1_iu3gnmo wrote

Honestly, I would try to get out asap because bedbugs are horrific to deal with and I’d worry about landlord coming after me if/when that happened. Just document what you can regarding the situation to have if needed.


heethark OP t1_iu3gsny wrote

I’m definitely going to try to get out of here ASAP. I’m thinking I should reach out to a lawyer as well. I feel like they’ve known about the infestation for some time now and put us in harm’s way by not disclosing.


stephenclarkg t1_iu404hw wrote

Don't listen to this person you can't just leave. a As long as they are trying to treat them its not constructiveeviction.

It's actually less work to treat them in place then move and guarantee you don't take them with you.

Just push them to treat the whole building with pesticides


onlyme1984 t1_iu3dtt9 wrote

I didn’t read it myself lol..just found it and pasted the link ;)


GuttaBxtch t1_iu36qie wrote

When i lived in public housing they kept coming to treat a unit above mine but the whole building was infested. From what I understand, most techniques are useless and it requires some serious work to get rid of them. I feel like as long as it looks like they're trying to address the issue then they can't be held liable for anything?

Not a lawyer; just my 2¢


heethark OP t1_iu377n8 wrote

Thank you so much for the response. Yeah, I’m seeing that it’s a very serious issue and I’m honestly livid.

I did see that if our apartment becomes infested then they can be held liable for any damages we incur (replacement of belongings that have to be thrown out, etc). I’m scared that if I move out and we’ve already been exposed then we would be responsible for extermination costs. I’m so fucking pissed about this… ugh.


New_Stats t1_iu3zedt wrote

Call legal services and see what they say. If they can't help, call 211


BaBaBroke t1_iu5ex3x wrote

Putting clothes and bedding in the dryer on high heat is the method to kill bed bugs. You can pick up a bedbug on public transportation or anyplace that has seating that has a cushion like a restaurant. Library or theater. They can live for about 6 months without a meal. They usually hide during the day, crawling in Wall outlets out the crease of bedding and mattress. You can call your local housing inspector if you see them to get the landlord to treat for them. If they wait to long they may have to heat treat the whole building. Chances are a neighbor or visitor brought them into the building from someplace else. Look for them laying eggs up at the ceiling corners and putting clothing in covered plastic bins helps keep clothes safe. The diatomaceous earth helps also, but don't let the baby near it.


heethark OP t1_iu5ff4u wrote

Yeah, this building has a lot of apartments. Apparently several of them are infested. I realize how easy it is for them to spread, which is why I’m upset that we were not notified of anything going on.

Thank you for your advice and input!!