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TheOkGazoo t1_itvusbv wrote

That's going to hurt medical marijuana patients


symitwo t1_itw3w2k wrote

If you need to smoke so much that you can't be in public, get edibles.

I'm not interested in breathing that shit in


kittykat5607 t1_itwuc2b wrote

Unfortunately that’s not always the best solution. If I’m in the midst of a panic or PTSD attack I can’t always wait the 2 hours for an edible to kick in when smoking or vaping can reduce symptoms in minutes or seconds. I do think there needs to be regulation and common sense courtesy to others but it does really suck for people that are genuinely disabled and aren’t always conveniently at home when symptoms flare up.


symitwo t1_itwuxfk wrote

OK so what did you do before it was legal?


kittykat5607 t1_itx9p4f wrote

I only just started using it this summer when I got my medical card so nothing. And I still haven’t smoked away from my home because the places I go have no smoking rules in place that I follow, but it would help my health tremendously if I was able to occasionally have a place I could go in those places and prevent me from dealing with needless terror and pain that I have to when I can’t use my most effective medication. I don’t think disabled people should be made to either stay in their homes or live in pain. I think there has to be a reasonable solution that allows people to use their medication and allows others to not be subjected to smoke if they don’t want to be. I’m not in disagreement at all about having no smoking areas just that a reasonable alternative spot should be available and you shouldn’t need to walk a mile to find a safe and legal place to smoke.


symitwo t1_itxa6rz wrote

I disagree. And it seems I'm in the mass majority

If your solution involves having me deal with your smoking, I'm not entertaining it


kittykat5607 t1_itxnp02 wrote

The fact that’s all you got from everything I said is very disappointing. And from every other comment you’ve made on here it seems like you just want to be angry about this, but not even consider other peoples feelings and opinions or any solutions. My whole point is I DONT subject anyone else to my smoke and have no desire to, just want to have places out of the way that are okay to smoke at without needing to go home every time.


SquirrelBoy t1_itwh116 wrote

Do you realize the significant cost difference, as well as the huge difference in how long different consumption methods take effect? It's not as simple as just switching to edibles.


symitwo t1_itwhidx wrote

I could not care less. Your problem represents an impossibly small percentage of the population, that has multiple avenues to explore


SquirrelBoy t1_itwhnju wrote

I'm just pointing out it's more nuanced than you're claiming.


symitwo t1_itwhydm wrote

It's not.

Take an edible, and figure out your own dosing and time tables. Or stay home.


SquirrelBoy t1_itwi38j wrote

Again, not that simple, Mr/Ms/Mx Know-it-all


symitwo t1_itwig4w wrote

Staying the fuck home is definitely that simple


bear_rando t1_itwj2pl wrote

Walking the fuck away from someone smoking is just that simple as well.


symitwo t1_itwj6en wrote

So is creating and enforcing legislation that makes it illegal to snake in public places


bear_rando t1_itwjtll wrote

You'll never take away my freedom to snake in public.


SquirrelBoy t1_itwip9l wrote

Oh, I forgot people with disabilities should hide at home and never be seen.


SquirrelBoy t1_itwipo8 wrote

Oh, I forgot people with disabilities should hide at home and never be seen.


TheOkGazoo t1_itw57on wrote

Sorry that you don't like the smell of freedom.
