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After_Imagination_93 t1_iu896w9 wrote

Have you asked them to turn it down


KATIE_H0LMES OP t1_iu8as3v wrote

I have yet to locate it, it's so loud I thought a neighbor right next door was being an idiot, walked outside and realized it wasn't them, then I assumed it must be the next block over. Nope. It's louder than being next to a concert venue and yet it's pretty far away so I have yet to track down the person doing it. This has happened multiple times this year, starting in summer and then randomly happening here and there.


Ok-Assistance5910 t1_iu8mkbj wrote

I'm in Nutley as well and my neighbor across the street had the cops called on them for playing music too loud. They were blasting techno with the widows open little all day until about 3am. Past few days have been better though.


dsarma t1_iu90k24 wrote

What the hell is wrong with people? Cripes.


ghostfacekhilla t1_iuj54zf wrote

General manners have gone out the window since the pandemic it seems like. Especially with police not as keen on addressing quality of life issues.