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UFOsBeforeBros t1_iqy5487 wrote

Well, DeGroot is sending texts saying Sherrill backs the sale of “baby parts,” and every time I go to ShopRite there’s always a car or two with antiabortion stickers.

Maybe they’re statistically the minority, but it’s a reminder to never be complacent. Because these people always vote.


DeronD7 t1_iqy5ku3 wrote

And what do you think should be done to the minority of people in the state who are anitiabortion? They’re always going to exist unfortunately. The protest is just a bunch of people jerking themselves off for brownie points.


UFOsBeforeBros t1_iqy87h8 wrote

It’s ultimately about reminding people to vote. I do hope similar events are planned in Malinowski’s district, since he’s more at risk than Sherrill - if Republicans take the House and Senate, abortion will be banned nationwide with a Republican president.


SlyMcFly67 t1_iqyk4y6 wrote

So in your sad angry little mind people shouldn't attend rallies for anything they support? If they don't do what you think is right or the best way, it doesn't count? What have you done?