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the_last_carfighter t1_jeco1en wrote


Morkamino_Bones t1_jectc4n wrote

Hate these boomers views on things. Like we were “communal” and “connected” back in the day. No we weren’t, we are now, we just don’t do the same shit that was done 50 years ago…


mezonsen t1_jed122k wrote

I don’t think the 50’s were some prelapsarian time period or anything but Americans are probably more atomized and isolated than ever before


DanDaDestroyer t1_jed0npf wrote

You think we have community now? Now sure what America you’re living in.


BlasterFinger008 t1_jedx4ax wrote

Lol you’re delusional if you think people are more connected now. Only thing you’re connected to is your phone.


[deleted] OP t1_jee0mzi wrote



BlasterFinger008 t1_jee0tz8 wrote

Found another dipshit who thinks connection is from his phone


[deleted] OP t1_jee14b9 wrote



BlasterFinger008 t1_jee1wug wrote

Who’s angry? Did that comment shatter your fragile feelings? Just pointing out the facts. Nobody on this side is angry


Gr3ywind t1_jee8rd1 wrote

No ones forcing you to make an ass of yourself…


r3dd1t0r77 t1_jecztdz wrote

People also used to enjoy comedy and not take it so seriously...


[deleted] OP t1_jed5e9t wrote



r3dd1t0r77 t1_jed69di wrote

It was more of a dig at the guy's boomer hate over a comedy bit than an actual assessment of modern society.