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lost_in_life_34 t1_j8z2vjh wrote

I remember at least one spring in NYC where it got to like 70 and the trees had the leaves come out and then it went back to freezing


Action_Maxim t1_j8zme8z wrote

That was like 3 years ago we had it be 75 my hydrangeas budded up then we got a foot of snow and the leaves held snow and split the main truck killing a 50 year old hydrangea :(


Way2trivial t1_j8z4xak wrote

I think we move down a line tomorrow?


vakr001 t1_j90ibql wrote

Expecting all the downvotes cause I am cursing us. I feel like we will get a blizzard in March this year.


Summoarpleaz t1_j94kcy9 wrote

I’d like a little more snow - I feel like when I was young we’d get a freak blizzard in March every other year. Idk about this year though; even the winter winter wasn’t wintering. Granted Ny got pummeled


gordonv t1_j8zh9k3 wrote

I was fooled well. Enjoyed some warm lunches out. But this Friday Evening is Cold...


aaknosom t1_j8zy4cd wrote

mmmm mud season. i sure do adore my backyard then!!


JerseyGeneral t1_j91mg6k wrote

I almost want just a few inches of snow just to be normal. This winter has been crazy.


BlackWidow1414 t1_j91vjub wrote

This morning we have entered second winter. I woke up to 19 degrees at my house.


Bodidiva t1_j933e6m wrote

Haven't we been here all winter?


jackospades88 t1_j93g79r wrote

There's also "Hell Summer" which is summer but too hot to enjoy it outdoors.


whaler76 OP t1_j94i6ct wrote

Yeah, something like that, noticed it was missing