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peter-doubt t1_j9xpogr wrote

I had one job.... They had a time clock that recorded the minute (many do 1/10 hour or similar, not here)

At the end of the week, they'd have a supervisor sit with a pile of cards and look at everyone's punch in time.... 3 minutes late in one day.. or 3 minutes late for the entire week, they'd dock you for 3 minutes. Nevermind getting there early, no credit. Nor for leaving 3 minutes late, nor shortening your lunch....

And this one poor guy doing the asshat's work spent 3 hours.... At double the pay that they were "saving."

This was long ago, when classified ads were printed every day. We finally started posting the ads, daily... Next to the time clock. (And nobody took them down)


Lomak_is_watching t1_j9z1ul4 wrote

That's terrible. The company I work for requires hourly employees to take a 30 min lunch and they pay you for it, in addition to your two 15 min paid breaks.