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fanatiqual t1_jad2nl2 wrote

Specifically an everything bagel if it's an option.


storm2k t1_jad5hmf wrote

i'm honestly not a major hard roll fan, so i always opt for a bagel. plain or jalepeno usually. the place i like puts too much salt in their everything mix for me to enjoy it. gets too salty between the taylor ham, added salt, and cheese plus the coating on the bagel itself.


inf4mation t1_jad8nf0 wrote

soft roll or hollowed out cheddar jalapeno bagel for me.


spageddy_lee t1_jadajfh wrote

Former die hard roll person here who is now a sesame bagel convert after moving back to NJ from 10+ years living in NYC. Used to argue that the bagel took too much away from the flavor of meat egg and cheese but the bagels are just so damn good here I can't resist the whole shebang.


talk_birdy_2_me t1_jadj09o wrote

Depends...if eating the sandwich on the go it's less messy on a roll. On a bagel all the shit just comes out the little bagussy on top


I_DRINK_ANARCHY t1_jadjjy8 wrote

I voted bagel, but I have to say, I've definitely had amazing breakfast sandwiches on rolls. Light, fluffy, delicious rolls...mmmmm.


silentsnip94 t1_jadl38b wrote

Gotta go with the roll, bagel doesn't have give and everything starts to compress outward