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rewardiflost t1_j9kjbzn wrote

I seriously doubt anyone will pay you for plastic bottles in NJ. You can take them to NY if you wish, but vendors don't have to buy a whole load. Smaller shops can limit things to 72 units, and larger places to 240 (I think).


Linenoise77 t1_j9knu8v wrote

Fun story. When we were renovating our basement, i found several hundred captain morgan bottles behind one of the walls. My best guess is a previous owner was hiding a drinking problem, and was slipping them up past the drop ceiling and behind the finished wall which stood about a foot off the foundation wall. it was about a 15 foot section that was filled to the top with them from floor to ceiling. (so far i haven't discovered wherever he moved on to after he ran out of room).

i figured even at like 5 cents a pop i had a good 100plus bucks there in deposit fees.

Short story, nobody in NJ will pay for them, and its illegal to try and return them to another state (and places do have limits as to how much they will take at one time, and can request ID if something smells fishy).

I called our public works department, explained the situation to them, and they just sent a truck out for me. Now every time i see one of them, they salute me and go "Captain"


Jimmytowne t1_j9lvmn4 wrote

There’s a Seinfeld episode you can use for research


TodayTimeDeux t1_j9mzbf1 wrote

A friend brought in cans but unsure where. If it helps she was in Howell.