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wizzy9122 t1_j9matu0 wrote

Tipping just needs to be illegal. This is getting out of control. Pay people a fair wage.


redkemper OP t1_j9mdmyp wrote

But people aren’t paid fair wages, so I try to be generous when and where I’m able to.


Mithmorthmin t1_j9me5iq wrote

Then they should change jobs?



interpretivedancing1 t1_j9mowtf wrote

Then who would do it


Bobby_Bouch t1_j9pnx34 wrote

Something something free market, if no1 wants to do a job for what you’re paying capitalism would dictate you go out of business. But in reality there’s always a sucker to take advantage of


bumpetyboo22 t1_j9mmg9o wrote

What’s difference for you the customer though? You pay more up front to cover their wage Or you tip to cover their wage


stvbeev t1_j9n45fh wrote

There’s no guessing and bad feelings involved. A person’s liveliness isn’t dependent on some random person being socially polite.


bumpetyboo22 t1_j9n7xht wrote

What guessing or bad feelings? Tip a standard amount and move along. Tip more if you feel like it. Easy


stvbeev t1_j9nbi4r wrote

I mean… literally what OP is asking. What is “standard” for food delivery apps? Is the “standard” at a chili’s the same as that of a fancier restaurant? At a bar?

And again, someone’s livelihood shouldn’t be dependent on random people’s social politeness.


AchingCravat t1_j9o71ok wrote

I’d rather see my money go toward better wages for workers than enabling the corporation to “increase shareholder value” through stock buybacks.


vprufrock t1_j9pcn3d wrote

Gas stations in NJ are a great example that giving people a wage WOULD NOT necessarily mean a big price increase for the customers. I go to another state a lot, where the gas stations don't have attendants, and the gas prices there are the same or higher than those back home in NJ. I am not saving money by losing the gas attendants' service.