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kittyglitther t1_j9g54bi wrote

Is part of it because we know more kids will lead to higher property taxes, and we already have too many damn people?


stickman07738 t1_j9gzitm wrote

No, it is a women’s body and she has the right to choose. Not me, not the government.


trekologer t1_j9gx9mv wrote

I think it might be more due to the state motto of "mind your own damn business".


gordonv t1_j9i9ofw wrote

I think it's more like we look at our books and realize giving our children the kind of life they need to succeed has become harder, more expensive, and less attainable.

Essentially what happened with Japan. We're having so much trouble keeping our own heads above water, we can't make those important life markers in a financial sense. Affording young adult life, an apartment, a house, marriage, basic health coverage, or school.

If we can't afford that, then why would we torture kids by forcing them to live a life without enough resources.


kittyglitther t1_j9iyt09 wrote

100%, and it drives me crazy when people pretend abortion isn't an economic issue. It both influences it and is influenced by it.


gordonv t1_j9k6tkt wrote

Agreed. There are people who think it's crazy to start saving up to have a child years before having a child or even having a partner. There is this dangerously naïve belief that our economy and society are OK right now for raising kids.

Maybe it's not apparent for people who grew up with plenty. Or those who can afford it. But for us that grew up without, it was painfully clear that life is hard without proper financial support.


StrategicBlenderBall t1_j9jei5y wrote

That’s kind of how I sell abortion to pro-lifers. More kids in poverty means more dollars going to social programs, more kids that become part of the system, and more kids that, statistically, will stay in the system for the rest of their lives.

Abortion keeps people off social programs, which Republicans (pro-lifers) love.


gordonv t1_j9k9prk wrote

A lot of Republicans seem to be really good at single issue objective voting.

They're bad at nuance. Like, how could you be pro life and pro gun? Or for lowering taxes and banning abortion?

Republicans appeal to those single issue voters, but fail to appeal to broader spectrums of thought. Ironically, Democrats, who are quite conservative, have a broader sight of these things.


kittyglitther t1_j9jexxe wrote

Thanks for getting it.


StrategicBlenderBall t1_j9jf2am wrote

You’re welcome. Not everyone is going to jump on board with “her body her choice”, but when it affects their wallets? Different story.