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kesagatame-and-Chill t1_j5c3gx0 wrote

This is how pedestrians get killed.


100percent100percent t1_j5c4iqi wrote

I'm not saying you can blow through lights, I'm saying that when it's the middle of the night, you stop at the light, look around, make sure it's clear and continue.

I'm out super late almost every night, the roads are empty. There is no reason to sit at a red light with no other cars coming. You would still have to yield to pedestrians and its very rare I see anyone on the sidewalks at that hour anyway.

How is that any different than a stop sign? They either need to allow us to continue, or change more lights to flashing red during late night hours like some areas already do.


eddie964 t1_j5crjtj wrote

I'm sympathetic, but I think the solution is a review of light timing and maybe some blinking reds during the wee hours. When people start to see stopping at red lights a suggestion, it can get to be an awfully slippery slope.


100percent100percent t1_j5cxyh8 wrote

I'm fine with switching them to flashing, thats already a thing but so few lights do it.