Submitted by Mission_Fox6790 t3_106rhev in newhaven

I’m moving to New Haven for work next month and have been struggling to find a decent rental for a manageable price. The best place my future roommate & I have found is a Mandy apartment.

I wanted opinions on how bad Mandy is REALLY? It’s the only place we’ve found that ticks all our boxes, and I’m thinking it seems worth having a shitty management company. They put me in contact with a current tenant and he said his experience there has been fine. I would love some insight as to how bad they really are before signing a lease! TIA!



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chopselmcity t1_j3i9jko wrote

I'm sure there are people who have had ok experiences, but MM are crooked slumlords. So many horror stories.

I rented from them. A pipe burst in the upstairs apartment on Xmas eve and I had to spend 9 hours bailing water until maintenance showed up. He shut off the water. I asked if he was going to clean up the mess and he said "You're doing ok with that bucket and mop," and he left. They showed up a week later to repaint the water-damaged wall.

The maintenance guys came into the apartment on multiple occasions and stole from me. After the third police report filed, the officer said to move out when the lease is done and don't rent from them ever again. They had a history of complaints about MM.


vinnychains t1_j3ibayj wrote

Avoid Pike as well.


catsmash t1_j3ikyw7 wrote

and farnam. they're basically all the same crew.


michael_ellis_day t1_j3ig1b3 wrote

The fact that you know to ask this suggests you may have already looked at other references to Mandy on this sub. If not, it's worth having a look! I have no first hand experiences with them, and based on what I've seen here I hope to keep it that way. I cherish my ignorance.

One recommendation that comes up here often is a realtor called Seabury Hill. They have a good reputation and get the most desirable listings first so you may have better luck with them, and they can steer you away from some bad landlords. My experience with Seabury Hill was extremely positive.

(Unlike you I had the luxury of being able to take a while to find the right place at the right price. Which was nothing to do with the realtor but with me being fussy.)


6th__extinction t1_j3j2jli wrote

Avoid Roseann Iuvone if you are a person of color, she made racist comments about my friendly neighbors, and overall sucked. Disorganized, arrived at the wrong time, needed to borrow keys from tenants, etc.


[deleted] t1_j4ojfqo wrote



6th__extinction t1_j4pmfgt wrote

Were you with Roseann Iuvone? She’s a Trump-supporting real estate agent from East Haven that lied to us and made gross comments about my friends/neighbors. She’s held up as some local Little Italy agent and she’s not even from CT or Wooster Square, she’s a liar and racist scum. Edit: I have some unflattering screen shots, DM me if you want to see them.


Parking-Corgi6793 t1_j3ij64g wrote

I second using Seabury there isn’t a fee to use them as a renter as the landlord pays them and you’ll have a better experience finding places that aren’t managed by a slumlord


justalilchili t1_j3iirb3 wrote

We found our apartment through Seabury and have had a great experience. We’ve been here for almost four years now without complaint. I would also highly recommend them.


infinite_mystique t1_j3j855f wrote

I disagree, I used Seabury Hill to find a landlord my first year and got an absolute slumlord that resulted in multiple lawsuits by the tenants. I informed Seabury Hill and they said they didn’t care — so make sure to independently vet landlord if you use them as they aren’t always trustworthy


Used_Author_909 t1_j3kb7bo wrote

Agree seabury is bad, the place they got us was not cleaned at all (down to hair in the drain and pee on the toilet seats), there was trash and furniture left by the former tenants, bugs


OddTomatillo8568 t1_j3ieqk1 wrote

I'd recommend avoiding Mandy, Pike, Farnam, Ocean Management (Ocean is my current landlord and Farnam was briefly helping Ocean with leasing the beginning of 2022.... only thing I can say is YIKES), etc.

I'd be glad to provide more details of issues if anyone is interested. There's a list 🤣😬


RoiTainMent t1_j3itebq wrote

Just had to sue ocean when I moved into my new place end of 22.

If you look into their court cases they are literally getting constantly sued it's crazy


OddTomatillo8568 t1_j3j98k9 wrote

Wish I could say I'm shocked 🥴 I'm sorry you had to go through that.

So glad my complex formed a tenants union... Ocean is the epitome of a slumlord.


RoiTainMent t1_j3kp576 wrote

Eh way worth it. They ended up owing me double in damages for a security deposit they tried to never return.

Ocean was the only place in new haven that would rent to us moving from across the country to do zoom showings of that helps anyone


OddTomatillo8568 t1_j3orkiz wrote

If you're willing and comfortable with it, I'd recommend leaving a Google review for Ocean. A lot of tenants (as well as former tenants) have been doing it so people are aware of the shit conditions Ocean's properties are in, as well as to warn others about them being a shit landlord in general.

Either way, I wish you the best!


catsmash t1_j3lxikg wrote

even this is part of their business model. because of their locations & price points these companies are largely trying to target tenants who are very young and/or very under-resourced - thus people who either don’t know the law, can’t afford a lawyer, or are transient students who will give up on any standing conflicts in disgust when it’s time for them to leave the area. they figure for any successful tenant lawsuit, there’ll be twelve more tenants successfully fleeced. unfortunately they’re right.

New Haven housing code enforcement, meanwhile, has been defanged to a comedic degree that seems like it almost has to be deliberate, and they don’t or won’t do shit about it. evidently every time they do try to crack down on these companies, they just threaten to pull out of the city entirely, which at this point would be a logistical disaster, & the authorities basically slink off with their tail between their legs & look the other way for another decade. it’s a pathetic mess.


Stezo45 t1_j3jouai wrote

Farnam has been in bed with Mandy/ Ocean since 2018…


catsmash t1_j3il7iu wrote

do everything you possibly can to avoid interacting in any way with these scumbags.


littleA1xo t1_j3ixt9q wrote

complete slumlord. I haven’t rented from them personally, but I work for a real estate law firm and we encounter his properties a lot. he buys properties out of foreclosure and estates, promises the city he’ll rehab the structures, and then never does. a majority of his properties have been deemed unfit for human occupancy and have thick files of health violations and he still does nothing about it besides take his tenants money. the owner has active cases against him for human rights and housing violations.


HouseKaylord t1_j3ioodl wrote

The thing with Mandy is that it isn't just a management company - they also own the buildings which are mostly in disrepair.


jigsawdpsyche t1_j3k5ssc wrote

I think the bigger question is - is there a landlord in New Haven that ISN’T a complete slumlord???


marxianthings t1_j3iswrh wrote

Rent where you need to and start a tenant union.


catsmash t1_j3lxtr1 wrote

this would be great advice in a vacuum but this approach is plenty risky as well. check out the case the Hamden fair rent commission is handling with Serramonte if you want to see this in action.

edit: certainly not advising against forming a union here, just advising against renting from scumbags assuming a union’s formation will fix the problems. these assholes have vast resources & zero regard for human decency, & they will do everything in their considerable scummy power to slice whatever organizational tendons they can. just something to bear closely in mind.


marxianthings t1_j3m0inf wrote

No you’re right. Starting anything like this is very risky. Agree absolutely.

I’m just putting the idea of tenant unions out there.


kn0ck_0ut t1_j3ik16c wrote

well, here’s a list of things we’ve requested to be taking care of,

—leaking radiator in the kitchen —leaking water pipes (2) in the basement —broken shelf in kitchen cabinet —vomit inducing smells coming from bathroom pipes (tub/sink/toilet) —mice infestation

& here’s what’s been taken care off

—leaking radiator in the kitchen (partially, as now instead of having a massive puddle in the kitchen, it’s only a small one now) —leaking water pipes (2) in the basement (jk. only one got fixed. the other one still has a whole that leaks water at 150°) —broken shelf in kitchen cabinet —they’ve said “let us know if it smells again” & left the smell as is. we’re good now bc what ever died is frozen, but once it gets warmer we all know what’s coming. —mice are still here. (we catch and release as many as we can. but they’re sneaky)

they’re really good at calling us & telling us we‘we falling behind on property upkeep but can’t fix a leaking pipe.

if you’re ok with it then you’re ok with it, just be ready to lose your security deposit over nothing.


dallapiccola t1_j3ilhfm wrote

Everyone I know who has worked with these people has had horrendous experiences.


[deleted] t1_j3jhplz wrote

Avoid it like a plague. Worst management.


daybeers t1_j3jpejh wrote

It's most definitely not worth it. They're slumlords that don't give a single fuck about you; you're just a number in a large cog of thousands of units. Like the other posts say, same thing with Farnham, Ocean, and Pike. Don't do it unless you're on the brink of homelessness.

Of course they put you in contact with someone who said it's been fine; why would they refer you to someone who has created maintenance requests or sued them?


spatcherlongdog t1_j3jkafe wrote

Yes MM is really that bad. I suggest avoiding Paris Realty as well. More specifically do not move to 66 Norton.


Stezo45 t1_j3jp37b wrote

Paris and Urban Haven are both the same slumlord company


catsmash t1_j3lxyn4 wrote

if it’s Norton, is this just yet another PR rebrand of Edgewood Village? i’m curious.


spatcherlongdog t1_j4ieo9h wrote

I think I may be too new to New Haven to know what you are referencing, but it certainly wasn’t a village. 66 Norton was a condemned building that the city forced tenants to move out of (read in an article) and then some slimy landlord bought and renovated it on the cheap. Water coming through the ceiling, pests, $1000 electric bills, the list goes on. Absolute nightmare.


Loyaljr t1_j3jfqbs wrote

Don’t do it


AmiaRocz83 t1_j3jsikd wrote

They towed my car from my own apartment complex. Absolute bs! Never fixed anything. Slumlords to the 10th power.


skepticalspectral t1_j3jx20v wrote

Mandy Management's maintenance team caused a fire in the unit above my apartment. Fire department had to put it out with water, not chemical extinguishers, due to the wood floor burning. All that water poured into my apartment. The whole experience was a nightmare. They have so many unsafe conditions in their buildings. My apartment being flooded and their terrible repairs was just the icing on a shit cake. Never ever ever rent from Mandy.


ExplosiveToast19 t1_j3m0e1b wrote

Go drive by some of the properties these management companies own. For the most part they look like shit, and with the stories I’ve seen I wouldn’t risk it.

Seabury Hill worked for me, I think they’re the best resource for finding a decent place. Obviously still pay attention and do your due diligence.


Stezo45 t1_j3jon6x wrote

Avoid Urban Haven. Literal scumbags


SharkMark18 t1_j3jr9l3 wrote

Based on their softball team, they are subpar


Strat7855 t1_j3mejcq wrote

They should be stripped of the privilege of owning and renting residential property.


mpd763 t1_j3mpd60 wrote

If you need a recommendation, I rent from Topliff Peak Enterprises and they’ve been great. Very prompt and communicative. Requests get done ASAP


Saloomey2the1stpower t1_j3le0b7 wrote

add ocean management to the list of places to avoid. they’re always in court for violations. read about the tenant unions that have formed in new haven to fight against all these slumlords. new haven is a tough place to find decent landlords with affordable prices.