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dslicex t1_jbu98fo wrote

i'd rather ride on the sidewalk on whitney...downtown...or pretty much anywhere there aren't bikelanes...


MattFantastic t1_jbua4rv wrote

Preference isn’t the issue. Killing/hurting someone walking when you run them down on a bike because you’re too selfish to care about the people around you is.

It’s really not hard to take some responsibility. If you don’t feel safe riding where you’re supposed to the solution isn’t to make other people less safe, it’s to remove yourself from the situation.


dslicex t1_jbuerxa wrote

I get what you’re saying, but I still disagree. It’s not like I’m sending it on the sidewalk, when there’s tons of people around.

At say 6 o clock when no one’s on Whitney sidewalks I’m definitely riding there—it’s rush hour for cars and twilight. But if it’s mid day downtown, I’m not going to bike on the sidewalks by the green you know? That would be stupid and selfish.

It’s also not a black and white issue of being selfish by riding on sidewalks. The somewhat limited and sometimes usable infrastructure for bikes around town is piecemeal and haphazard. Like going up Orange St past Humphrey towards Downtown, the bike lane disappears so cars either come too close to a biker, swerve into opposite lane to pass, or just ride your butt. None of those are very smart on a bike if you like not being mangled…


Lice_Queen t1_jbuvqef wrote

It's literally illegal. Stop doing it. It's incredibly annoying and dangerous and ILLEGAL.


Dry-Fee9923 t1_jc0ff1l wrote

None of this matters - if you don't feel comfortable riding your bike on the street, then don't ride your bike. I ride from Bethany to downtown nh and back multiple times per week and NEVER ride on sidewalks. Get some lights and a reflective jacket if you are really worried. By riding on the sidewalk you are dangerous to others.


dslicex t1_jc1kga3 wrote

As the third person to lecture me and say the same thing, you’ve definitely convinced me. I’ll be thinking of you when I’m eating a catalytic converter under a car the next time I get hit while following the rules of the road!