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toss_it1001 OP t1_jbeor6j wrote

It’s mounted and lit up at night. Who is this? Why? And generally wtf?


elmcityboy t1_jbf7xpp wrote

it's a crazy, trump-y conservative guy who gets off on trolling his liberal neighbors, i think.

the guy on the sign is the westville alderman (new haven's version of a city counciman) adam marchand. can't say i have ever bothered to scan the QR code.


teefling t1_jbfq1jk wrote

I did scan the QR code, it links to a video of what I can only assume is the sign maker harassing the alderman about the BLM sign outside of Edgewood School


RoiTainMent t1_jbewhzk wrote

So the sign is stupid as fuck and I hate always passing by it every day. But damn I can appreciate the effort


thesheepynurturer t1_jbf5ufq wrote

He used to have a big blown up still from his security camera of someone stealing his trump sign and it said “stop the steal” at the bottom. The photo was practically illegible from the road. I pass by there most days and I thought it was someone tied to a tree the first several times I saw it, which was horrifying until I got a better look lol. So yeah, the effort doesn’t really seem to pay off in the effectiveness of the messaging. They’re just kind of doing big inside jokes with themselves as huge custom made signs? Do you bruh, throw away that money ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Beast0fBurden t1_jbfw90t wrote

Mommy and Daddy pay all the bills so he’s got money to waste


6th__extinction t1_jbg3kt1 wrote

Right wing men love the word “cuck”


toss_it1001 OP t1_jbga3hv wrote

How dare you tell kids that BLM? …oh but calling a local public servant a cuck with no context on a huge sign on a public road is LOL.


CatSusk t1_jbg45n6 wrote

This guy needs to move to Florida


paddyboombotz t1_jbeq6h1 wrote

So they’re some crazy trumpers (obviously) but apparently a few years back they got arrested and raided for having a large cache of pistols and automatic weapons. One positive thing is I’m sure they’re keeping the property taxes down in that area.


At1l t1_jbfvtmf wrote

Relevant article:

Paywall removed

“A New Haven man who used a dead child’s name to purchase an assault weapon - part of a stockpile of illegal assault weapons was apologetic at his sentencing in federal court Thursday.”


bea_archer t1_jbgmebe wrote

When shit hits the fan we know to raid his place and take his guns lol


toss_it1001 OP t1_jbfe11l wrote

Definitely a different vibe than the rest of Westville.


andyman171 t1_jbf2x54 wrote

Hey op why don't you scan the qr code so we don't have to. Please report back


BranfordBound t1_jbeqon0 wrote

Wow, a QR code? These sign making wackos are actually keeping up with the times. What happened to the old-school ransom letter styles and rampant typos?


chmod777 t1_jbeu2e5 wrote

they don't teach arts&crafts in school any more, and they keep eating all the glue.


thesheepynurturer t1_jbf52o4 wrote

Apparently that’s alderman Adam Marchand, there was a nextdoor post about this sign and he replied being like “guys don’t engage this individual”. Why the specific beef I don’t know, but I can’t imagine it’s a terribly cogent argument


At1l t1_jbftptm wrote

Here’s the fool’s video the qr code links to if you want to give him a click:


ThatsMrJoeToYou2001 t1_jbg9wn3 wrote

Holy crap. What's with the dude rubbing himself nonstop? Literally every part of his body, face, arms. Annoying af.


At1l t1_jbgb8pg wrote

His fav song could possibly be I Touch Myself by Divinyls


kppeterc15 t1_jbkror8 wrote

he looks like he's applying sunscreen


ThatsMrJoeToYou2001 t1_jbkweba wrote

At first I thought the same. Then he kept doing it. Again. And again. And again. At some point it's not applying lotion. It's a fetish. He passed that point half way through the video.


SeanFromQueens t1_jbfw52i wrote

This is at least the fourth MAGA sign, the first was stolen, as was the second, the third was night vision pic of the guy who stole the 2nd sign "Stop The Steal".


Soup5665 t1_jbgr1jh wrote

I have always wondered about that!


NilesRiver t1_jbgla74 wrote

lol I live on that rd I will have to keep an eye out


eggheadslut t1_jbgw82u wrote

Watch the video on the QR code. It’s petty stupid shit


[deleted] t1_jbjapju wrote

Drive past it all the time, took Reddit to learn about the community


CC_Stone t1_jbjcc5g wrote

It means some MAGA asshole lives there, and believes that this is an appropriate way for grown adults to behave. And I am guessing that they are mad at the person in the photo for some perceived slight to their manhood.