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awebr t1_ja4fj1w wrote

You can absolutely guarantee that on any post regarding a car driver hitting a person in the road, whether it's on reddit, the new haven independent, on scene media, local news, etc; there will *always* be victim blaming without knowing a single detail. Drivers love to project their roadway dominance onto every situation because they're the same people that get annoyed when someone crossing the road delays them by 3.9 seconds in racing to the next red light.


pittiedaddy t1_ja4h4b4 wrote

And you can absolutely guarantee that someone will also spread the false belief that "pedestrians always have the right of way".


awebr t1_ja5u9c8 wrote

thank you for proving my point


elmcityboy t1_ja8vg3w wrote

what do you mean by "false belief" here? the law in connecticut states that pedestrians have right-of-way in a crosswalk.

it doesn't mean that yale students don't behave irresponsibly, putting their own lives and the lives of others at risk, but it isn't a "false belief" to say that a pedestrian has the right-of-way in connecticut.


pittiedaddy t1_ja8w81g wrote

Go read the law regarding it and read the report about this accident. Oncoming traffic had the green light in a "controlled crossswalk" which means even though it's a crosswalk, the TRAFFIC has the right of way.

In an "uncontrolled crosswalk" the pedestrian STILL CANNOT JUST WALK INTO TRAFFIC! The law clearly states that they must make their intentions known to drivers thay they are trying to cross.

Now go read the law before you get yourself or someone else killed.


iIlegaladvice t1_ja9a4lx wrote

Based on the facts in this case it is exactly a “false belief” to say that the pedestrian had the right-of-way


lazy-but-talented t1_ja7zjx6 wrote

Unless the car is driving up in the sidewalks over the curb I just don’t get how people would get hit by cars? Looking both ways you would see a car still coming at speed and probably not cross until they see you right