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oknarfnad t1_j9z1vge wrote

Supposed to be sometime in 2024.


Future_Somewhere_893 OP t1_j9z6vdo wrote

thank you! is it as cool as it seems?


DeskFan203 t1_j9z8202 wrote

We don't know, they are doing it completely over.

In good news that we do know, it'll be free for all.


Future_Somewhere_893 OP t1_j9zgw0t wrote

i meant in general, i’ve never seen it 🥰


TerpPhysicist t1_j9zmpm7 wrote

It’s wonderful, I can’t wait to go when it opens back up!


Ambartenen t1_j9zr8k7 wrote

I used to go about 4 times per year. For like, 20 years. Every time I found at least one new thing to be super dorky and excited by.

I cannot wait to have a museum like that in my backyard again.


Rsaleh t1_ja2ttoa wrote

It’s fantastic. Used to go all the time as a kid.


Dragonsinger16 t1_j9z9fc3 wrote

Before shutting down for renovations it was pretty neat. I expect it to be just as cool when it reopens. they’re posting some cool progress pics on theirs instagram so I have high hopes.


nvcr_intern t1_ja0gzg8 wrote

Yes. It was very cool before, just needed some modernization (except the new gem hall, which was already new and beautiful). It's been a bummer to have it closed for years but I'm excited to see the update!


eddie964 t1_ja0o2hj wrote

It certainly used to be. If it is somehow less cool after spending 3 years and $160 million to renovate it, I would count that as a pretty massive fail.


Ecofre-33919 t1_j9za50m wrote

Yes it is totally worth going too. Sorry you have to wait. I’ve been several times.

In the mean time check out the yale art gallery. Or maybe the indian museum at foxwoods.


Future_Somewhere_893 OP t1_j9zgxw9 wrote

i’ve been to the art gallery i love it!


Ecofre-33919 t1_j9zijkz wrote

If natural history museums are what you are in to:

The indian museum covers natural history of CT since the ice age and of the history of the pequots. Many town libraries have discount coupons - you check them out with your library card.

Other than that - take the train into nyc and visit the natural history museum there. The boston museum of science is not bad either.


Future_Somewhere_893 OP t1_ja09z6y wrote

nyc scares me, i’ve only been there once 😂


Ecofre-33919 t1_ja0asos wrote

You’d be safe during the day. You can always take a cab from grand central to the natural history museum if you want to avoid the subway - but again - during the day - in crowds of people - you’d be fine. Or go with a friend. Sorry i don’t know of any - but if you hear about a bus tour there and back - you could do that too.


Future_Somewhere_893 OP t1_ja0doj8 wrote

it’s just so busy and there’s so much going on 😭 i’m from LA so i’m kinda used to it but still.. it was very overwhelming lol. definitely wanna try again though, thanks for the tips!


Ecofre-33919 t1_ja0ep0u wrote

Nyc people are blunt and direct because so many people live close together. But NYC people are often pretty good natured and have good senses of humor under those exteriors. Try asking for directions sometime or even making small talk with people in a bar or restaurant.

And honestly - before i lived in LA for a while - i was as scared of LA as you are of nyc. If you can handle LA - you have nothing to worry about in nyc.

You’re welcome!


blue0mermaid t1_ja0sjzv wrote

It was a pretty dark, creepy, musty, and run down place. Even the exhibits were decaying (like the stuffed grizzly bear with peeling fur). It really needed the upgrade. I can’t wait to see the new museum.


ZentasticThings t1_ja02i7j wrote

Soon, I hope! Check out Marudigi on instagram. She is a conservator there and shows a lot of the behind the scenes work going on. It is a really fun account.


irishspice t1_ja0nnj6 wrote

It's not that long a train ride to NYC and the American Museum of Natural History. Boston is a but further but they have great museums and an aquarium. You landed in a great spot if you love museums. Ps. Yale has a few that are worth checking out as well.


brewski t1_ja1iuqi wrote

My favorite museum in New Haven by far. New Haven Museum is also fascinating if you like local history.


Nyrfan2017 t1_ja1liim wrote

It amazing how long it’s been closed .. I think they found new dinasours lol


vishnusnavel87 t1_jabj3rj wrote

I can’t wait until it opens again. There’s a whole new generation of kids I want to take there.