Submitted by Zestyclose_Thanks_96 t3_10h2rmo in newhampshire

I know someone who is planning on hiking Mount Eisenhower via Edmonds in the next few days and I am concerned about their safety. For context, they have never hiked in the winter before and are a moderately experienced hiker in the warmer seasons. They are planning on hiking solo and not planning to summit if the weather is dicey. They have crampons but no other equipment (ie snow shoes, beacon, equipment for shelter, etc.) They’ll also be checking the weather before to make sure there aren’t any storms.

I have no experience hiking in the winter so am not sure if I’m justified in being this concerned. I am very aware of the changing and dangerous weather patterns found in the Whites, especially in the winter months and want to make sure this person will be safe doing this. Having no winter hiking experience, I don’t think this is a beginner mountain and think they should start smaller. I’m also concerned about them losing the trail, rogue storms, going alone and having no beacon in case of emergency.

I would appreciate any thoughts on this and please tell me if I’m being too nervous and over the top. Thank you!



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TJsName t1_j564h6r wrote

The section as you approach tree line is notoriously hard in snowpack because of the side hill and deep snow. If you have a group you might be able to power through it, but solo is probably not so fun. Plus the road walk to the trailhead adds a couple miles each way.

I would strongly recommend just using the Crawford Path up Pierce as that is a very good winter introduction.

Edit: Fixed typo


MusicalMerlin1973 t1_j56ip4y wrote

I’d say in general if this is your first winter hike ever don’t go alone, find someone knowledgeable who has done winter homes before to go with you and inspect your gear before you start and point out anything you’re missing.


Bahariasaurus t1_j56jyob wrote

Doesn't really sound like a good idea. Snow shoes would definitely come in handy, given that you know.. it just snowed a bunch. Winter hiking has a lot of stuff to learn, like how to keep warm but not sweat, make sure your water doesn't freeze, keep your cell phone from dying etc. Lastly, going up treeline in winter can be... very interesting. Even if there's no storm, blowing snow and cloud cover can make it like walking into pea soup.

For a newer person I'd recommend Tecumseh, Waumbek or Cannon instead.


Hilarias_Glucose_Cup t1_j56ka6y wrote

First of all, they have to do the 2.2 mile road walk down Mount Clinton Road to even get to the trailhead because the gate is closed. If they are down for the roadwalk, Edmands Path is generally okay to about 3500 feet then it gets really steep for about 800 feet. Once you reach 4200 feet you walk along a tilted path along the back of the mountain before ascending, that section is prone to windblown snow so snowshoes will be needed. From there you take the final climb above treeline. That climb has at least 5 or 6 right angle turns that rookies can easily miss when climbing. So yeah, it's a situation for experienced hikers, forget about a newbie. If there is unbroken trail covered by snow and they dont have snowshoes they are in for a slow climb. If there is limited visibility it gets even trickier. Also - bailing out or even doing an up and down via Edmands would suck because then you still have that 2.2 mile road walk back to the car. Anyone doing this hike is generally looping back to Pierce and back to the car because it is just dumb to go back down Eisenhower because it adds more distance.

My advice would be to tell them to do Pierce instead. Good hike for newbies - head up crawford path, stay left at the split and shake down their equipment. Save Edmands Path for when they have more experience.


petrified_eel4615 t1_j56s92o wrote

As an experienced winter hiker, going up Eisenhower solo without adequate gear or prep is foolhardy at best and suicidal at worst. There are many other areas to start off with (as mentioned above, Pierce is a great starter).


KingBubbaBouy1 t1_j57nmuz wrote

If dead NH mountain hikers could talk they would tell you its a bad idea..


MommaGuy t1_j58mhhf wrote

If you are not experienced please don’t. You are putting our rescuers at risk for a dumb decision.


tossaway69420lol t1_j58pe0g wrote

Not again lol. Another one of these posts in here.

Don’t do it. Avoid death


Suitable_Depth_3135 t1_j59rlgw wrote

I can see it now: Solo hiker goes missing on Mt. Eisenhower, more at 11.


Viking603 t1_j59v7cb wrote

Prepay for your rescue before you go hiking.


zetterbeauty t1_j5ac9li wrote

Why and how could you possibly think this is a good idea?