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Salty9Volt t1_j5c3jxv wrote

As others have said, Concord is a common demarcation. But in conversation, Southern NH often refers to the part of NH that has a lot of Boston commuters, or at least folks that commute to Massachusetts. By that standard, I would say start at Hollis, draw a line up to concord, then over to the Maine border. That area is kind of what i would call Southern NH. I definitely don't think of Hinsdale or Keene in that description.


AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j5g0492 wrote

I feel like it's more like Manchester.

Having it drawn at Concord would put places like Epsom, Deerfield, Northwood and Barrington in "southern NH" and they feel very central (Epsom and Deerfield almost feels like northern NH)


marsha12151 t1_j5d02yr wrote

So what are Hinsdale & Keene?