Submitted by anarchyinyourhead t3_10jofdw in newhampshire

I’m a veteran and I hear it all the time. It’s appreciated. But today I want to say it to all the technicians working in this nightmare weather to restore power. We don’t appreciate it until it’s gone and I’m sincerely impressed with how fast they get it back for us in Manchester.

Thank you for your service!



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Dependent_Ad_5546 t1_j5lwsfh wrote

Very nice sentiment but they do make really good money for their time during storms…way more than I did with combat pay in Afghanistan and they don’t have ied’s or casualties to deal with.


Elpundit t1_j5m2vek wrote

I agree with OP. Utility workers are bad ass. I had multiple problems on long underground runs and they show up in the winter and stay all night until it’s done. and never got a bill.

It’s our governor and the utility company who should be the recipients of your discontent.


ThePencilRain t1_j5m427n wrote

Drove a plow for a friend from 5am to 5pm today.

This is my first new England wonder everyone living here is so goddamn grumpy


chait1199 t1_j5oply9 wrote

Unfortunately nowadays, the most necessary jobs in this economy that LITERALLY keep society afloat are also the worst paying. Utility workers don’t necessarily make bad money but they deserve way more monetary AND civil respect. 🫡


Open-Industry-8396 t1_j5oqgoi wrote

This will be unpopular. I too appreciate them. However they do get paid extremely well. It is their choosen job. An important one but I doubt many of them are altruistic, they're making bank, at least the linemen I knew. I think we just tend to feel extremely grateful when the power(that we pay through the nose for) is turned back on (so the energy industry can bank record profits) and we translate the joy of heat and electric to the "saintly" guys on the pole. Might as well revere the dps plow guy or the kid who goes to work in the grocery store in a snow storm. It's not about service or kindness, it's about the money.

Now, a decent soldier, they have more of a possibility of being altruistic and don't get paid great. I tend to be more grateful for occupations like teachers, nurses, good public servants, etc. I would like to live in a world where these type occupations are highly rewarded as opposed to Hollywood types and pro athletes.

Sources: retired US Army Senior NCO : grumpy old NH guy.

Have a nice day.