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PM_Georgia_Okeefe t1_j5zuzdo wrote

There is a school & police program that's essentially a local version of DARE. I was volunteering at another community event when the police chief asked if I wanted to volunteer for the anti-drug program.

The look on his face when I said I frequently used cannabis products was priceless.


Matty_Bee63 OP t1_j64q2o2 wrote

I used cannabis to get off Benzodiazapines, when I told my doctor I wanted to use Recreational cannabis to taper off the prescribed benzos he not only threatened to terminate me as a patient but report me to my insurance !! It was all so I'd stay with him as a patient and not go off and self medicate with cannabis, the whole system is so fucked, but anorher person who commented is right big pharma does have a lot to do with it because if people knew you didn't need ADHD meds, anxiety meds, pain meds, sleeping meds, meds to make you hungry, meds to help your nausea. Cannabis can alleviate all of these symptoms, and can take the place of a Host of pharmaceuticals, which then your money doesn't go to doctors offices, insurance companies and pharmacies. 1 trip to the dispensary can take the place of thousands of dollars in medical bills and prescription and insurance costs to get different medications