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AuthorSnow t1_j2ul1tf wrote

Meh. Domestic. Had a knife. 🤷🏻‍♂️


NckMcC t1_j2uliy8 wrote

When did having a knife become a crime? One punishable by death?


rabblebowser t1_j2upj6c wrote

You really cant think of any situation?


smartest_kobold t1_j2urg4i wrote

Yeah, but the news story doesn't talk about an actual crime, just knife holding.


vexingsilence t1_j2x2az1 wrote

Police don't release that kind of information until everyone has been properly debriefed and the facts of the incident have been determined.

But yea, fuck those guys for doing their jobs. Should have just ignored the 911 call and let whatever stabby mcstab had in mind happen.


smartest_kobold t1_j2x8f9e wrote

>Police don't release that kind of information until everyone has been properly debriefed and the facts of the incident have been determined.

Why? I'm sure they're innocent and if they just write down their side of the story without a pesky attorney everything will be cleared up.


vexingsilence t1_j2x8wa1 wrote

Why? So they don't release incorrect information to the public. Everyone involved has their own information from their POV and there's potential camera evidence to review. They also hold information in case it heads to court so that they don't contaminate the potential juror pool.


smartest_kobold t1_j2x9lxt wrote

If they didn't do anything wrong, they don't have anything to hide. I'm sure this is all just a big misunderstanding.


vexingsilence t1_j2xa6xl wrote

And yet, I'm sure you're in favor of people not answering questions when asked by police. If you don't have anything to hide, you must be guilty if you exercise the 5th, right?


firewolf8385 t1_j2v8jg7 wrote

They wouldn’t have been there if that’s all he was doing. Even a best case scenario he was threatening someone (likely his parents) with the knife in some way.

The lack of info is likely the police department dragging things out until the blowback is minor, regardless if the shooting was justified or not. The news won’t report on anything that the police department doesn’t say in order to not get sued.


AuthorSnow t1_j2ush5n wrote

You’re threatening a cop who has the right to use force if threatened. That’s what happened. Don’t like it, run for office and change the law.


NckMcC t1_j2usyqh wrote

Where did you get the threatening a cop part? I wasn’t at the scene so idk.


AuthorSnow t1_j2uu00s wrote

The knife. This willful obtuse ignorance is so fucking tiring. Somebody has a knife, called to a domestic. Threatening…any sane person is shooting.

Fuck sake dude let me pull my knife on you and start approaching you and what are you gonna do sit there and let me stab you? Fucking stupid


SheeEttin t1_j2ux9j0 wrote

I don't see anything in the article about him threatening or approaching the officers. How do you know this?


AuthorSnow t1_j2uygz2 wrote

He was tasered and shot. Both clearly felt justified. It’s intuitively obvious. Being willfully stupid isn’t an argument. Had a knife. Responding to a domestic. Yeah the cops just showed the fuck up and was like, meh, die - shot. Shut the fuck up. The knife in itself is threatening. I like how you bypassed by question. Let me approach you with a knife. You gonna just let me stab you? So fucking blatantly stupid this one


SheeEttin t1_j2v02zj wrote

So you don't know it, and you're just assuming.


AuthorSnow t1_j2v0ld4 wrote

No, it’s not aSsUmInG 🥴🥴

It’s inferring. It’s a domestic, guy was brandishing a knife. Both cops clearly felt justified in in using force. Fucking retarded. Let me just approach you with a knife…you just gonna stand there? No. Fucking idiot.


HikeEveryMountain t1_j2wzv31 wrote

Where did you read that the kid approached the cops with the knife? I only read that he had a knife, there was no mention of specifically what he did with it.


NckMcC t1_j2uv2rg wrote

Your answer to the question is "The knife." lmao


AuthorSnow t1_j2ux7cd wrote

Being willfully stupid isn’t an argument. Yes two words: the knife


NckMcC t1_j2uydle wrote

I understand man. You are very smart I bet. You are the same guy who argues guns themselves are threatening merely because it exists. Are you a big r/politics leftist?


AuthorSnow t1_j2v0ams wrote

Disingenuous bullshit. Answer the question. You gonna let me just stab you? I got a knife. It’s not threatening. You’re just as retarded as the last one


MistakenLabotomy t1_j2w1s67 wrote

You are an ignorant boot licker.


AuthorSnow t1_j2wg6xs wrote

No. That’s what the law says. 🤣🤣 bOoTLiCkEr 🥴🥴 what an asinine retort


HikeEveryMountain t1_j2x032j wrote

The law says the penalty for holding a knife is death on the spot? Weird.


AuthorSnow t1_j2y57x8 wrote

Right to use deadly force, so yeah. Disingenuous nonsense this one


HikeEveryMountain t1_j2yuqdz wrote

You can't use deadly force against somebody for HOLDING a knife. You don't have the right to use deadly force against a chef, do you? The article only says he was holding a knife. You're adding your own "facts" to this situation. "He got shot, so he must have deserved it" is the summary of your argument. That's NUTS. Being shot by the police doesn't make you guilty of a crime, and it also doesn't mean that deadly force was appropriate. One of the officers thought that a stun gun was sufficient. Why did the other cop go for deadly force, when the other cop didn't?


AuthorSnow t1_j2zf5no wrote

🤣🤣 he wasn’t holding a knife, he was holding a knife in relation to a domestic call. It presupposes violence and thus the use of force. Once again, another disingenuous post denying the obvious. Create a red herring and then use red herring for your argument. Asinine.

Why did one cop use a gun and the other a taser? Threat assessment.


nhbruh t1_j2wkqep wrote

Do you see the irony in recommending that a US citizen needs to hold public office to influence public laws?