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CheliceraeJones t1_j260a41 wrote

Reply to comment by fire_drier in Tree Stand by RidingBeen

If I cross only your line that isn't posted, I have no way of knowing that it's posted or that you'd "prefer to be asked first".


fire_drier t1_j260unz wrote

You have no idea about the particulars of my land, the particulars of the land that it abuts, how many people in my community use it, how many people have knowledge of it, or anything really.


CheliceraeJones t1_j2685ja wrote

>or anything really.

Really dude? Do you have to resort to this kind of bullshit?

Anyway, that's not worth focusing on. The points stands, if I cross a line that isn't posted and it looks exactly like the land that I came from, then I have no way of knowing that the line on the opposite side of your property is posted. And I also have no idea what your preference is (not that it matters what your preference is if you don't post). If you don't post, that's on you. You can always post it so that hunting is by permission of landowner only.
