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pink-peonies_ t1_j0bhm3i wrote

Lack of funds is a lazy excuse? You’re out of touch with reality.


myfacepwnsurs t1_j0bi40e wrote

Seriously. Let me just not pay my credit card bill because I want a new tile floor. That’ll go over really well with the collectors, right?


Jack_Jacques t1_j0bkh16 wrote

First move would be to NOT use credit cards. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. Lock the cards up and use only for emergencies. I lived 15 years with only a debit card and cash. I only use credit cards now to get the points or cash back and pay them almost immediately after I make a charge, the same mentality as using cash or in other words I don't charge what I can't pay right now.


Jack_Jacques t1_j0bjzay wrote

Everything can be budgeted. I'm far from rich but figure ways to keep my property up to date.


pink-peonies_ t1_j0bke50 wrote

There are far more people struggling to be able to keep the lights on and keep their homes heated than folks like you. Many people can’t even afford to buy a home, let alone update it. Many people cannot even rent a home the way things are now.

You’re incredibly tone deaf.