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Boats_are_fun t1_izehydn wrote

Seriously what happened to Verizon. I used to not mind paying more cause cause Verizon was better. They literally suck now. Dropping calls on route 93 in Manchester. Verizon had service there in 1998 that was more reliable than this


ILikeCrabbyRobots OP t1_izf3ihx wrote

My point exactly, and I'm a heavy call and data user. I literally do not care about the cost at all, I need the service and Verizon is going south fast.


FTheOldWest t1_izeqxoq wrote

It's gotten SO BAD since they switched to 5G. I can't even begin to explain my irritation


myfacepwnsurs t1_izg1b4t wrote

How is south willow street in Manchester a giant cellular dead zone?? I could be IN the damn Verizon parking lot with no service and the employees there are like “idk tower must be down.”


KrissaKray t1_izl1t9h wrote

It is?? That's odd I'm always there and have never had a cellular issue and I'm on verizon. Sounds really strange but what kind of phone do you use? I'm trying to figure out reasons why it's spotty for some people but not for others.


myfacepwnsurs t1_izm1zr4 wrote

Newest iPhone. I think 5G has something to do with it, I never had these issues until I upgraded.


beardmat87 t1_izffvoy wrote

Their service has dropped fast. It feels like every week it gets worse too. The lakes region has become a giant dead zone. It says you have full bars and 5G or LTE but you get nothing. And I’m used to it being slower in the summer when all the tourists show up but it never got better once they all left.


lvlisslvlelissa t1_izggado wrote

It's been like this since they set up the 5G crap... I'm convinced they screwed something up


turnwrench t1_izeytnv wrote

5g ruined cell service. How was it supposed to be an upgrade??


occasional_cynic t1_izezpl6 wrote

Because speed! Speed! Speed!

Never mind you need a clear line of sight and to be within 1500 feet for good 5G service, and that for smartphone usage users will not even notice the difference between 5G and LTE. Also, 5G is hard on batteries.


FunktasticLucky t1_izhao6p wrote

Verizon sucks big time here. I have been with Verizon since 2004 or 2005 or something like that. I moved to Portsmouth in Sept and the service was complete shit. T-Mobile has surprisingly been the best service in the area with very few drop outs. And I just added a line to my brothers plan so I pay 32 bux a month. Way better than the 70+ on Verizon even with the military discount.


BelichicksBurner t1_izhbkx1 wrote

Its the 5G. Been a total disaster across the board.


Sully617 t1_izgg4on wrote

Verizon’s been bad lately in the state. Areas I used to have coverage in, I don’t anymore, and even when I do it’s subpar.

Switched to xfinity mobile and it’s fine, not great. I have unlimited data, but use about 20GB a month


jgren91 t1_izh5liw wrote

Xfinity is Verizon and it actually has worse service since they don't get priority during peak times


FunktasticLucky t1_izhb06a wrote

Yeah. Verizon service sucks so why would I go with someone that uses Verizon towers? Plus if you use Xfinity for Internet you can just connect to the Xfinity WiFi's all around as you need for free.


[deleted] t1_izefkuj wrote

T-Mobile is best in southern NH. Price and 5g availability.

At&t is best if you travel up north. You won't get a lot of 5g, but their LTE is faster than most companies 5g anyways and available in significantly more places.


1976dave t1_izewanu wrote

I have family that has At&T and the consistently have better service than me when they visit. I have verizon and it has done nothing but get worse and worse


ILikeCrabbyRobots OP t1_izf348g wrote

This is the problem: I paid the cost for reliability, but now it's high price and shit service.


1976dave t1_izf5ltk wrote

I would have switched already but my mom and sis are on my plan and they live elsewhere and its the opposite for them, so for now I just deal. I tried google fi several years ago and it wasnt great, but I would be willing to try it out again now that Tmo is nuch improved from what I hear


notsurethisisfunny t1_izg77r9 wrote

Changed to T-Mobile. No problems and cheaper….so far


guccibamtito t1_izeoebp wrote

Had to make the same switch away from Verizon. Every weekend I could count on my data being unreliable or not working. Made the switch to ATT and couldn't be happier. Also FWIW I also saved a bunch of money by going through their prepaid route instead of a traditional plan.


akmjolnir t1_izh5tve wrote


Plus every Tuesday you get some freebies. Nice to save 20¢/per gallon of gas.

There are also some DD discounts for you sugar addicts.


thedjbigc t1_izewory wrote

Xfinity Mobile uses Verizon towers at a MUCH less cost. Only kicker is that you need to have internet with Xfinity.

For the record I had Verizon years ago. Switched to Cricket (which uses AT&T towers). I then switched to Xfinity Mobile and I've been quite happy with it since.


ILikeCrabbyRobots OP t1_izf2un1 wrote

Yeah, I'm on crazy fast fiber from from Consolidated so none of that is happening. Also trying not to avoid cost, but to get better service. Thank you, though.


Bicoidprime t1_izffp99 wrote

Google Fi - it's the only MVNO carrier that doesn't get deprioritized when traffic gets heavy. Ting, Visible, Boost - all the others do. I had Ting and switched because of this. Fi is on T-mobile, and if you have 3+ people on your account, it's $25 a month for unlimited data.

Seriously, don't do any MVNOs until you understand deprioritization. More here.


HillyjoKokoMo t1_izfur9e wrote

I too use Google Fi. Have been using it for five years now. I don't know anything about cell networks/ traffic etc. I just know it's been solid and I'm sticking with it.


Grumpfishdaddy t1_izhgjia wrote

Also using google fi. It’s 20/person is you have 4+ lines. They also do pretty good deals on the google Pixel A series.


juicebronston t1_izgpz0l wrote

Dumped Verizon last month after having a prepaid plan for years. Currently paying $20 a month for Red Pocket Mobile and I have no complaints, service has been way better than Verizon ever was.


TutenWelch t1_izems8b wrote

We got both a lower rate (plus Netflix and Spotify) and better coverage with T-Mobile, and wound up using them for our ISP too. Nashua.


EmeraldMoose12 t1_izergw6 wrote

Just switched to AT&T prepaid. Much much cheaper. Cut my bill in half each month.


[deleted] t1_izgko6k wrote



FunktasticLucky t1_izhauyq wrote

Switch to Tmo. I have heard from the locals they have the best service up here. Apparently NH doesn't have the population for Verizon to really invest in. I went from Omaha with their UW 5g getting like 3.5Gbps to no service anywhere.


fncw t1_izivvlw wrote

Verizon Wireless was historically the best here by a wide margin. It plummeted when they rolled out 5G. (Maybe your neighbors were discussing FIOS?)

Fifteen years ago I quickly ditched TMobile, which only had service along southern NH highways, and spotty at that. I moved to ATT, which didn't have any service north of the lakes, and finally to Verizon. It's wild now that the historic best and worst carriers have flipped roles.


FunktasticLucky t1_izjiobo wrote

I think Verizon went full corporate mode and stopped investing in their network to maximize profit. When I was in T-Mobile store there were at least 6 customers there that all asked to switch their number from Verizon to t mobile. T mobile is still investing in their network which is why It is still getting better.

Apparently they just upgraded a tower near me because I can now get okay 5G outside my house. Inside is still super iffy but I'm on wifi by that point.


Bellllllla t1_j059wkg wrote

I go to Plaistow and Salem all the time and never have service there, it's so dumb.


Snoo-22663 t1_izeivah wrote

I use red pocket with a t-mobile sim. Cheap and I feel better coverage even as north as littleton than att


[deleted] t1_izepkko wrote



ForklkftJones t1_izf2rh4 wrote

Mint is like $240 a year. My coverage drops in a lot of these towns past Nashua, but I rather save money than speak to people anyway.


Snoo-22663 t1_izfpls9 wrote

Started on an att sim then moved to a t-mobile, reception was better so i kept it. 20/m unlimited w/3gb/m high speed data and no data cutoff after its used. At the time I don't belive mint was lower but it's only 5$ and not worth it to me to migrate.


DerekPDX t1_izgkjfc wrote

Anyone have any experience with T-Mobile in the Monadnock region?


jwc8985 t1_izhfg6a wrote

Yep. In Peterborough but have solid coverage all over the area with the exception of Hancock.


DerekPDX t1_izinvxd wrote

Thanks, that's helpful! Might switch to Google-Fi, they use T-Mobile and US Cellular, which always had a reputation for having great coverage in the rural parts of NH where everyone else had no service.


rmarkham t1_izjpetq wrote

I’m in Hooksett and love T mobile.


notsurethisisfunny t1_izg7619 wrote

Changed to T-Mobile. No problems and cheaper….so far


[deleted] t1_izeppky wrote



Boats_are_fun t1_izeq6iy wrote

Used to be I drop calls everywhere now. Including places that used to have great service. In populated areas.