Submitted by SpringLover455 t3_yvbhna in newhampshire

Hello all,

As we are coming to the winter months, it begins the dreaded cold/flu/stomach flu season. In a few weeks (usually around after Thanksgiving) you will start hearing more about these illnesses. Unfortunately, sometimes we just get these illnesses and there’s nothing we can do about this. December-Mis March are the mainstream times for illness. However we can minimize the spread by doing several things:

  1. Wash your hands. As a general rule of thumb wash your hands after going into public. Places such as work/school, the library, any store, and a restaurant are places you should generally wash your hands after visiting. Also, after visiting anybody’s house wash your hands. Definitely wash your hands before preparing food.

  2. If you feel sick stay home. Unfortunately these illnesses are rather easy to catch so if you don’t feel well just stay home. There are alternate options out there. Although taking time out of work/school can be tough it’s better to be safe than sorry when your sick. If you need to go shopping or want to go out to eat, get delivery.

  3. If you are sick sanitize. To minimize the spread make sure to sanitize if anybody is sick. Sanitize surfaces such as countertops and tables. Also clean all toilets and sinks. Wash all bedding and clothes of the infected person.

Anyway I hope y’all have a wonderful sick-free holiday season! ⭐️



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stan_milgram t1_iwf5471 wrote

Have we already forgotten that masks are the front line in respiratory illness prevention?


dougallen09 t1_iwgyfus wrote

The front line is being healthy. Don’t eat shit and stay moving.


Wasteland_Mystic t1_iwea7j5 wrote

We couldn’t get the Covidiots to take these precautions when it was killing hundreds of people in the US each day, there is no way we can convince them to perform basic hygiene for mostly non-lethal diseases. These are the kind of people who’d probably not wipe their assholes after they take a shit just to make everyone else around them have to smell it.


Wrong-Sundae t1_iwebfwu wrote

That reminds me- apparently there’s some subset of males who actually believe it’s “gay” to properly wipe and/or wash their asshole in general. So they refuse to do it, or to do it properly. Friend in nursing told me this before, and I thought he was exaggerating, but then I read more accounts of that from other people in the med profession. As if health literacy weren’t bad enough in this country without other biases thrown in. The combinations of ignorance and hate are endless.


the_nobodys t1_iwec1wu wrote

I bet that's more of a generational thing, sort of like how fewer men used to change diapers than do now.


zeus6793 t1_iweo44z wrote

WHAT??? They don't wipe their asses after taking a shit? You can't be serious.


Wrong-Sundae t1_iwerjpa wrote


zeus6793 t1_iwes213 wrote

Ok, I am so disgusted now I feel like I need a shower. Who could POSSIBLY think this is ok? Seriously. No one tells these people that they stink like shit? No one raised them outside of a zoo? WTF???


Lords_of_Lands t1_iwfiphm wrote

A bunch of romantic perfumes add a slight shit smell so it subconsciously reminds people of crotches.

Maybe these people think they smell nice?


Wrong-Sundae t1_iwet7o1 wrote

Aw, I hope you can get a hug from a clean person sometime soon.


zeus6793 t1_iwexatq wrote

I don't even want to touch another person after reading all of those. I will stay in a nice little bubble of my own washed person, at least for tonight. And tomorrow, in the shower, I will scrub my asshole until it is bleeding.


sheepcrate t1_iwel4qi wrote

PSA, your wait at the emergency room will be around 5 hours, so if it's not an emergency (you are about to die or lose a limb or vision) maybe try urgent care or your primary care provider (family doctor)? BTW the wait time is just to get into a room or hallway in the emergency room, expect to be there another 4 hours.


Dont_crossthestreams t1_iwf0ddp wrote

5? Wait times are close to 8 in southern NH hospitals as I write this now.


sheepcrate t1_iwf8j3m wrote

You are probably right, it is Monday, the deadliest and busiest day of the week. Fun fact, most heart attacks happen on Monday


OldKingsHigh t1_iwf2ry7 wrote

And if you got to the emergency room and don’t get admitted, some insurance plans do not cover that cost like they would a hospital admission.

Mine calls it non-emergent use of the emergency room.


ggtffhhhjhg t1_iwgpfs8 wrote

If a person refuses to clean their ass properly kick them to the keen immediately.


smartest_kobold t1_iweagy2 wrote

Number #2 would be a lot easier with mandatory paid sick days.


Nowhere_X_Anywhere t1_iwexevh wrote

Or more appropriately, people hadn't already burned through their 40hrs of sick time and 80hrs of vacation time with 1.5mos left in the year.

It does suck getting fired for attendance since you burned all your time when you weren't sick and now have no time when you are sick.

If it is a documented illness and you aren't a job hopper you qualify for FMLA after a year with an employer as well.

Fact: there are a shit load of job openings in this state with decent pay, full health ins. and investment benefits that also have paid time off.


kells938 t1_iweidem wrote

Unfortunately people would abuse them.


CostcoBrandDinosaur t1_iweivte wrote

So? Illness costs the economy billions every year. A couple days off isn't going to hurt.


kells938 t1_iwek2zx wrote

No need to get flustered. Just saying why it won't be a thing. Didn't say I agreed with it.


zeus6793 t1_iwenzuh wrote

Actually, studies have shown that the vast majority of people do not abuse their allotted time. People are surprisingly honest on the whole.


kells938 t1_iweojbx wrote

Interesting. Do you remember the source?


ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_iwg01gh wrote

my source is the number of people that just come to work sick because people don't want to call off, even when they are sick. I'm guilty of it too, and yes I have plenty of sick time on the books.

it's kind of the mentality in the US.


zeus6793 t1_iwep2hg wrote

I don't. But google is your friend. I'm sure it's out there.


PreparedForZombies t1_iwgbg4o wrote

Don't make a claim then when asked for your source/backing say, "Google it"


zeus6793 t1_iwgbkjb wrote

Why not? It works perfectly fine. Put the labor on them to prove me wrong. And it worked.


kells938 t1_iweqvis wrote

Surprisingly not as easy as you'd think.

That goes into it costing employers.

That one the inspector general found IRS employees abusing it.

Unfortunately most of the articles that come up are employers policies, managers asking what they can do about abuse and state laws regarding leave.


zeus6793 t1_iwerjht wrote

Hmmm, maybe I'm wrong. I thought for sure I read that employees are more honest about their work times than was originally thought. It was some sort of academic journal perhaps. Well, either way, I hate the entire idea of PTO. It's a way for the corporation to limit your days off and avoids paying you when they can. It's driven by greed and control.


kells938 t1_iwesolg wrote

Unfortunately the internet sucks these days. So much misinformation and contradictory articles out there. You never know what is legit or not. As an employee, I absolutely love how my sick time, vacation and personal time are all separate. But I can also see why employers would hate it. Because, no matter how many downvotes I get, there are people out there that abuse anything they can.


zeus6793 t1_iwex2oe wrote

I will admit, I was also surprised when I saw that article. It certainly feels like it's not true. I worked in the auto industry for 30 years. People suck. They will lie, cheat and steal if they can get away with it, so I'm not surprised if it was bullshit.


Nowhere_X_Anywhere t1_iweycsd wrote

Part of why it is compartmentalized is to make it easier to address abuse. Personal/sick time can be used with no/little notice.

People burn that time and then get termed for trying to use their vacation time without notice.

Attendance is the easiest way to term a bad employee with cause. Categorizing time off makes the process transparent for all parties including Unemployment Insurance.


FTheOldWest t1_iwdm0sx wrote

I talked my co-worker out of coming into the office today when she wasn't feeling good

If you're able to, ease don't come in when you're sick. You're coworkers aren't trying to get your germs


granitestate420 t1_iwgcjn8 wrote

Lol....stay home if you have the's flu season people, the sky isn't falling....


KrissaKray t1_iwdg3df wrote

Yes please. If you’re ill, please don’t go in public places to get other people sick.


Wrong-Sundae t1_iwe4c7p wrote

Had to make a quick run into Walmart the other day for one item. Literally every couple of aisles were unmasked people with some sort of symptomatic URI. Lot of wet coughing fits. I haven’t heard anything like that in awhile. Curbside pickup for me for the rest of the winter.


Happy_Confection90 t1_iweh6ib wrote

I don't expect people to wear a mask all of the time anymore, and I don't myself, but if you have a cough and feel the need to leave the house go on and break out the masks. Nobody wants whatever is causing your chesty cough even if you swear "it's not covid."

People are so disappointing.


archigos t1_iwezzz2 wrote

This sub is filled with snowflakes who are routinely and irreparably emotionally damaged by normal exposure to opinions not their own.


lorlorlor666 t1_iwdxl47 wrote

as an immunocompromised person i would like to request that people mask up as well? it's the most reliable way to keep your germs from hitting my face, as well as the faces of everyone else who can't financially afford to stay home when they get sick


Wrong-Sundae t1_iwdz95h wrote

In the Live Free And Die state, most people don’t care about the immunocompromised people’s safety, from what I’ve observed. They’ve “done their part,” or they just don’t process empathy well in general. Granted, that might be a sampling bias on my part.

But I mean, this stuff was common sense and common decency even pre-pandemic. Every dr office had mask stations for patients entering with respiratory symptoms. That’s been a thing for decades. This is all just to say, sorry in advance for downvotes and vitriol your very simple request may receive. As someone who also has a shit immune system, I feel the same way.

The most I can realistically ask of others is that they don’t give people like us grief over still masking up in public. If you’re unwilling to protect yourselves or consider us, fine. But ffs, leave us alone. At the very least. I’ve had people yell at me in the parking lot for wearing a mask to get groceries once a month. It sucks. In my case, I have a major surgery coming up I’ve been waiting years for. If I catch any respiratory infections at all between now and then, it will get cancelled, per hospital policy. I have to do what I’m doing. I would love to just be left alone. I don’t bother anyone else.


stan_milgram t1_iwf5eu3 wrote

If someone yells at you for wearing a mask, calmly respond with “why do you hate freedom so much?”


lorlorlor666 t1_iwe266z wrote

I really hope your surgery goes well! And yeah, I've gotten yelled at too.


Wrong-Sundae t1_iwe2ijf wrote

Thanks! And hopefully someday, people will stop yelling at strangers about things that don’t even affect them (like immunocompromised people choosing to wear masks.. who gets mad at that?!).
Til then, best to just pretend you don’t hear them at all and get away from them ASAP.


JessePunch t1_iwgczg3 wrote

Immunocompromised people can get themselves free N95's and be protected better than it everyone else had basic masks on. It's not reasonable to ask the rest of the world to live like 2020 forever.


Hilarias_Glucose_Cup t1_iwgdhhf wrote

good news, you can wear a mask to protect yourself. Your safety is in your own hands!


TheScienceTM t1_iwe0aap wrote

No thanks. I'll stay home if I'm sick. I won't wear a mask.


lizyouwerebeer t1_iwe8d96 wrote

What is the point of your comment?


[deleted] t1_iwexnk6 wrote



TheScienceTM t1_iwg3xjn wrote

"Wear a mask indefinitely to cater to a hypochondriac cult or you're selfish"


lizyouwerebeer t1_iwg7j22 wrote

You know they weren't directly asking you, right? You could've just not responded.


TheScienceTM t1_iwgnvl0 wrote

Same goes.


lizyouwerebeer t1_iwgt63e wrote

That doesn't even make sense here.


TheScienceTM t1_iwh4a9m wrote

Ill word it more simply just for you, nobody asked for your input either. Especially when you're not adding anything and just insulting and trying to argue like a child. There are plenty of echo chamber subreddits for you to try if you can't handle a variety of opinions. Enjoy your masks and have a great day.


lizyouwerebeer t1_iwhd00s wrote

Jeez, you are EXHAUSTING. My patience deserves a medal right now.


TheScienceTM t1_iwe9dd0 wrote

I was responding to a "request". I would ask what the purpose of your comment is, but I'm honestly not interested.


lizyouwerebeer t1_iwe9isp wrote

Oh I thought you were being purposely obtuse to someone with a compromised immune system. That or you didn't get enough attention as a child so now you want this sub to know you won't be wearing a mask.


TheScienceTM t1_iwea1vt wrote

So you're just looking for an argument. Bored? Or just projecting?


lizyouwerebeer t1_iweaegj wrote

Bored? Just like when you were bored when you unnecessarily told an immunocompromised person you didn't give a shit about getting them sick because you weren't wearing a mask? Like give me a break. It was rude.


TheScienceTM t1_iweayw5 wrote

That's not what I said. If I'm not sick I'm not infecting anyone. I know it's a tough concept for you, maybe ask your teacher tomorrow.


clarenceisacat t1_iwebwny wrote

'If I'm not sick I'm not infecting anyone.'

In general, this isn't true. Sometimes, you can be:

  • asymptomatic but still capable of infecting others
  • infectious even if you haven't realized you're sick

TheScienceTM t1_iwedy1r wrote

Both of those are rare cases. In my opinion it's negligible. Regardless if the solution to that 1% chance is wearing a mask indefinitely then I will pass. To each their own.


clarenceisacat t1_iwek3nb wrote

A meta-analysis published in JAMA Online looked at more than 29 million individuals and determined that the pooled percentage of asymptomatic infections was 40.50% among the population with confirmed COVID-19. Another meta-analysis looked at 350 studies and determined that the percentage of asymptomatic infections was 35.1%.

Recently recovered from a bout of norovirus? You can still spread the virus for two weeks despite having no symptoms yourself.

I'm not telling you to wear a mask, but I am telling you that your understanding of disease transmission is wrong.


TheScienceTM t1_iwes0v9 wrote

There's science on both sides. Like I've said, in my opinion the amount of time that someone could be sick asymptomatic is such a small window that it's negligible. Especially for illnesses with 99% survival for reasonably healthy people.

"we conclude that the infectivity of some asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers might be weak."

Covid-19: Asymptomatic cases may not be infectious, Wuhan study indicates

Evidence of asymptomatic spread is insufficient to justify mass testing for Covid-19

"This screening programme identified 300 asymptomatic cases. But the virus cultures indicated no viable virus in the identified asymptomatic cases. This means that these people were not likely to infect anyone else."


lorlorlor666 t1_iwe2443 wrote

I appreciate the staying home, but there are periods of time after you catch a virus and before you start showing symptoms when you are still contagious. You don't always know when you've caught something.


TheScienceTM t1_iwe44dj wrote

I understand that. Wearing a mask indefinitely to avoid a 1 day lapse before I get sick doesn't make sense to me. If you're worried about germs hitting your face there are face shields for that. You know what they say, if you want something done right you have to do it yourself.


Positive_Parsnip420 t1_iwebhsw wrote

Where you been the last couple months, home slice? That train is already rolling deep!


SheeEttin t1_iwe6osv wrote

And wash your hands after going to the bathroom! I know your parents taught you to do it.


knottedoaks t1_iweghog wrote

Life pro tip. Stop pissing on your hands. It will reduce the amount of time you’re in a public restroom as you’re cleaning up.


Hilarias_Glucose_Cup t1_iwgdea1 wrote

I'm a big proponent of men sitting while peeing. The older i get the harder it is to control my stream and with the dribbling at the end it just turns into a cluster fuck. Started sitting to pee a couple of years ago and life has gotten less stressful.


SheeEttin t1_iwgjt2p wrote

If I did that, I'd end up on my phone and waste a half hour.

Also it feels like I never completely empty my bladder when sitting. I don't know what that's about. Maybe my toilet posture? I'm only 31 so I don't think it's a prostate thing (and sitting is supposed to be better in those cases anyway).


CptMaxPower t1_iwdfii5 wrote

Did my mom get on Reddit or something?


SpringLover455 OP t1_iwdfnsr wrote

🤣 last year there was a lot of sickness around the holidays in my family and in other families and I don’t want anybody to have the same experience.


AuthorSnow t1_iwdwhle wrote

How about you worry about your family and we will worry about ours. Nobody needs mother hen handing out unsolicited nonsense of the obvious


SnooPeripherals5969 t1_iwe63yt wrote

This is Reddit. Everything on here is unsolicited nonsense. But you are so triggered by it you felt the need to come in the thread and comment to the effect! Pretty funny.


widget_fucker t1_iweaivh wrote

Yeah. she just found a particularly crusty sock under your bed. She has questions.


Scubakim13 t1_iwfcu6c wrote

I would like to add that taking vitamin D is very important too. 80% of those in the ICU with COVID were vitamin D deficient


badenglishihave t1_iwguxhf wrote

Was a causal link ever made? It seems to me that people who are vitamin D deficient may just be generally unhealthy because they don't go outside and/or exercise much, thus leading to higher risk of complications.


doechild t1_iwfmua0 wrote

My family and I are just now recovering from RSV. I would’ve never known that’s what it is since it shows up as a nasty cold for kids and adults, but our baby caught it at a week old and is just now recovering at 3 weeks. These sicknesses are inevitable but I’m really drilling hand-washing into my kids’ brains. I’m so thankful no hospital stay was needed.


SenseiMilo t1_iwe3pm6 wrote

Just got over a 2.5 day stomach bug. Was lovely.


SpringLover455 OP t1_iwe82jq wrote

Oh god I’m sorry that’s the worst.


SpringLover455 OP t1_iwe841z wrote

Oh god I’m sorry that’s the worst. We got hit last Christmas. Such a fun day 😂


Hoops867 t1_iwf30ou wrote

Just caught the flu last week and I have never been that sick in my life. Still recovering and having to pick what I have the energy to do.


thebenjaminburkett t1_iwgb9yv wrote

Also, you know, vaccines.


tahitidreams t1_iwgtuhs wrote

Op is talking about colds and stomach viruses for which there are no vaccines. Flu-yes if they got the strains right this year.


thebenjaminburkett t1_iwh4r1o wrote

I suspect OP is talking about flu too, given that the word “flu” is used twice in the first sentence of his post.


Ok_Original_9640 t1_iwdhba0 wrote

I started working at a middle school this year. I'm being extra vigilant but I'm sure I'll catch a few things!


Black6host t1_iwdmasw wrote

No doubt! A regular hotbed of ails and illnesses schools are, lol. My youngun' brings me all kinds of wintry delights... Here's hoping we all fare well!


lt_skittles t1_iwdj1o8 wrote

I already caught covid. I'm fully vaccinated, haven't had my booster, but so far it's been awful.


mafiafish t1_iweguou wrote

Yeah I had my first bout recently after all my jabs and covalent 2nd booster.

Feel like crap 3 weeks after - like someone's robbed part of my brain and half a lung.

Reading through some of the mounting physiological research on long-term effects scares the crap out of me!


lt_skittles t1_iweh93n wrote

Ik someone with long covid, it sucks, and sorry to hear that.


mafiafish t1_iweheou wrote

Ah it'll be ok. My life's easier than 99% of folks on this rock. Thanks though!


PoorInCT t1_iwfl3q3 wrote

I got my fourth shot just because I knew the side effects would get me two days off work. But also because people to the left of me and to the right of me were dropping from covid, and I guess the new policy is to not tell anyone that you've been in the same room with such a person.


lt_skittles t1_iwfuuij wrote

I work retail overnights, some people were coming to work already sick. The symptoms just came over me on thursday night, and I've been using at home tests.


TheNewOneIsWorse t1_iwfi6xn wrote

As a nurse I demand you respect my right to cough directing into my COPD patient’s stoma


kawaiioctopii t1_iwg8fxv wrote

Yesterday was my first really bad day of the flu and I’m gonna throw on two masks and trudge to call because it’s finals in 3 weeks and I can’t afford to miss more classes than I have.


kawaiioctopii t1_iwgmvq1 wrote

Aaaaand not going to class cuz why did I even try getting out of bed..


dougallen09 t1_iwgy1lm wrote

In case you missed the last 2 years.


lechydda t1_iwdsoh1 wrote

MomBot why are you pretending to be a 14 year old on Reddit and giving “advice” about washing hands?


Tom_Haley t1_iwfgckl wrote

You’re infringing on my God-given liberties


HowardNelsonJr t1_iwds8iy wrote

Wow, thank you captain obvious


FaustusC t1_iwdxhz9 wrote

Where are you so I can come cough directly in your eyes


Wrong-Sundae t1_iwdyn37 wrote

This is just common sense stuff that’s brought up every cold-flu season, even before the pandemic. What’s your issue with that, exactly?


FaustusC t1_iwe169h wrote

It's literally common fucking sense.


Wrong-Sundae t1_iwe1f68 wrote

Is it injuring you in some substantial way for some Internet person to post a reminder, though? The hostility just seems really disproportionate to the ‘offense.’


SheeEttin t1_iwe6jwt wrote

The problem with common sense is that it doesn't actually seem to be that common.


AuthorSnow t1_iwdw8te wrote

Shut up


Unable-Bison-272 t1_iwedu9y wrote

I think they call condescending posts like this one preaching to the choir? I love when treat these local subs as though they are community message boards that everyone in NH religiously follows.
