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Hardmeat_McLargehuge t1_iw3jf3c wrote

While their comment is a bit overblown, they’re not wrong. Healthcare workers are using scientifically verified techniques to treat people. Either get with the program or find a new profession.


valleyman02 t1_iw3ku0w wrote

Except that's not what the troll is saying. The troll is saying they're short on workers because they fired employees that wouldn't follow scientific procedures. If they had just not fired the anti-science folks. For not following science they would be okay with no bed shortage.

When the truth is one the reason we are so short workers is because a lot of people didn't follow science and made this whole thing much worse. And this troll in particular is always crying about everything.


SheeEttin t1_iw3ptxl wrote

Yeah, if only we hadn't fired those plague carriers, and instead put them in close contact with medically vulnerable people. Somehow that would give us more beds.


shy-bae t1_iw715w2 wrote

You’re just as likely to be a “plague carrier” as someone who is unvaccinated.
