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RexBlackwood t1_ivy0ljq wrote

No. The real implication (for those educated enough to understand the reference) is that there’s a rotten form of insanity at play and wielding power.

There was a horse made senator, once upon a time. Things didn’t work out too well for that society. Maybe learn some history. You’ll sound less ignorant.


trolllord45 t1_ivy5h9l wrote

> a rotten form of insanity at play and wielding power

Being... trans? Ok boomer.


Whats_Opera_Doc t1_ivy3abb wrote

I dunno, you sound ignorant enough for the whole comment section


warren_stupidity t1_ivy9btu wrote

lol caligula. Most likely that didn't really happen and was just a bogus invention to explain why it was perfectly ok to assassinate him.

But again, how is this relevant to a trans gender person getting elected?