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movdqa OP t1_ixj03x7 wrote

The plumber arrive shortly after 8 AM and left at 1 PM. The Electrician was 10 AM to 12:30. They drained and took out the old unit and put in a pan and water heater in the closet. The electrician put in a new circuit across the ceiling of the basement and put in a power box in the closet with the water heater. They put in a leak detector unit which automatically shuts off cold water flow if there's water in the drain pan. It would have been nice to have the WiFi model - it sends you a text and email if there's a leak detected. We do have hot water now and what's really nice is that the water heater is silent. It's also a 40 gallon tank instead of a 30.

I spoke to another neighbor and they put in a NG tank but he has a fireplace and also doesn't have a finished basement and he said that they put in a bunch of pipes to do it and I wonder if they routed it to their chimney.

So peace of mind now.

Thanks for all of your comments.