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movdqa t1_iwwk4og wrote

I have no idea that these are the State Police calling. Particularly when they are calling from Nevada. There was one time when they called and I just said that I'm dealing with half a million in medical bills for cancer treatment and I was unemployed and they still asked if I could send them something. For some reason, they kept calling me and I just said that I'm dealing with cancer.

Eventually I just hung up.

My mother was scammed relentlessly over all kinds of things to the point where she was terrified in answering the phone. These folks are the worst.


chain_me_up OP t1_iwwqa5j wrote

Thats an awful experience, I'm sorry that both of you went through that and I hope that you were able to recover ):


movdqa t1_iwwr28w wrote

I made it through treatment and am moderately disabled but happy to be alive.