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UnderratedLegends t1_ivnnxwl wrote

I really don’t understand how NH votes 2 democrats into the the house of reps, 1 democrat senator and 1 republican governor? Why is it split? And why is the #1 most free state in America voting Democratic?


Bostonbakedbeanthere t1_ivnqg01 wrote

Maybe because Republicans are actively takiing away women's freedoms. And they don't want to end up like one of those shit hole Republican states? #1 most free state in America can change quickly.


UnderratedLegends t1_ivnqwni wrote

Not all republicans are pro life but you’d rather have a increased economic depression, increased inflation of 8.5% inflation, mortgage rates going to 10%, housing market at an all time and hardest time to buy a house for the upcoming new Gen Z. Increased interest rates of .75% BP every quarter this 2022 year, increased prices of food at the super market, increased prices at the pump, open borders with drugs and 94% of the opioid coming over. Makes no sense how democrats think.


Bostonbakedbeanthere t1_ivnses3 wrote

Gee do you think all those Corporate taxcuts Trump gave away causing Trillion dollar deficits, had anything to do with inflation? Or maybe greedy Corporations jacking up there prices, while at the same time posting record high profits are the problem? Of coarse not. That's just how Capitalism is supposed to work.

Tell me what have Republicans done to fix any of that the past 2years? Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nothing but their good old fashioned obstructionism of anything that would help normie people.

All Republiconned do is give tax breaks to rich people who donate to them, and try to roll back human rights to appease the religious extremists in control of their new Religiofascist party.


UnderratedLegends t1_ivntbsx wrote

Not at all my friend. That’s the worst argument I’ve heard. The rich or 1% who make over $539,901 pay 37% Federal Tax and that’s just one notch of it. Elon Musk is paying $11 Billion in taxes this year after moving to texas a state that has 0 state income tax.

So you’re argument is screw the greedy corporations of capitalism America while the Democratic Party over the last 2 years made it the hardest 2 years on record for the middle class and the poor class to live, put food on the table and pay bills. The percentage of people living paycheck to paycheck is now 63% and had there 401ks and brokerage accounts plummet thanks to this administration.

Like you make no sense. Why make it harder to live by voting democratic.


Bostonbakedbeanthere t1_ivnu2ov wrote

Nah thats thanks to Republicans still controlling the Senate for the past 14yrs, stealing Supreme Court picks, stopping bipartisan legislation from moving forward, and all around fucking over the little guy.

Try watching something other than Fox and political adds for your over simplified political arguments.

Its also thanks to billionaire bootlickers like yourself giving our country away to them who enable it.

Case in point you couldn't help but lick Musks boots so quickly and unsolicited.


UnderratedLegends t1_ivnud7t wrote

You have absolutely no facts or arguments which just goes to show how most people who think like yourself which is emotionally without facts. Which is part of the problem in this modern day society. I’m disappointed.


Bostonbakedbeanthere t1_ivnvo9k wrote

Yawn.. id be more embarrassed to still be a Republican after Trump. Left that cult 20 years ago.

By the way my friends, family and my Country i served, will never be embarrassed of me not being in your Republican religio cult.

My family proudly has lgbt members, including my trans son, that we don't demonize or worse try to take away their human rights because of who they are, or who they love.

Does yours?

Edit: you removed calling me an embarrassment to my friends, family and country.


Nestormahkno19d t1_ivnvm0v wrote

You can blame most of that on Republicans


UnderratedLegends t1_ivnvtnw wrote

When republicans left the administration inflation was 1.5% and now it’s 8.5%


mmsood99 t1_ivo6y2c wrote

You do understand inflation is a world wide phenomenon? And the problem is timing: the international slowdown that came from COVID in 2019-2021 caused problems in the supply chain raising prices. But that takes time to propagate.

And demonstrably the companies are taking the opportunity to price gouge, so some of the inflation comes from that. Are you blaming the companies at all?


UnderratedLegends t1_ivo8qjm wrote

Right that’s why our federal reserve printed the most money in a 2 year span in history. I’m not even going to get into this anyone anymore. I can’t believe how uneducated people are.


Oh_So_SoDoSoPa t1_ivoehz5 wrote

And guess who appointed the chair of the federal reserve in 2018. Hint: it was a republican. Wow you are dense.


SamJackson01 t1_ivnwih6 wrote

And corporate profits are insane right now. The American PEOPLE are being fleeced right now. By the same corporations that take government subsidies and then jack up the prices. Oil companies are making massive profits at the moment. Good for them right? They take billions in subsidies from the government then still jack up the price. Why? Because it’s easy to point the finger at the people wanting to take your billions of corporate handouts away. It’s political market manipulation. It’s the same reason those stupid ‘I Did That’ stickers were ridiculous. The President doesn’t control the price of gas. The corporations do.


UnderratedLegends t1_ivnwnr7 wrote

So what do you suggest before my rebuttal? As well how do you think the democrats handle this issue as opposed to the republicans?


ThatDrunkRussian1116 t1_ivo5znz wrote

How dumb can you be to really think that’s how any of this works?


UnderratedLegends t1_ivo624i wrote

You sound dumb and ignorant yourself


ThatDrunkRussian1116 t1_ivo6bke wrote

What an amazing and unsurprising response. Please fit the stereotype harder


UnderratedLegends t1_ivo6e0g wrote

Bro you literally called me dumb and then I can’t say you’re dumb 😂😂😂 what kinda double standard


ThatDrunkRussian1116 t1_ivowi9k wrote

Right so me calling you dumb for not understanding how inflation works is the same as you calling me dumb for saying your dumb? Why didn’t I think of that?


Nestormahkno19d t1_ivou1gv wrote

Explain how that’s Democrats’ fault and explain how, in detail, Republicans would fix it. I doubt you can do either beyond basic Fox Noise talking points


Nestormahkno19d t1_ivnvk72 wrote

Because you don’t understand how politics actually works in this country


UnderratedLegends t1_ivnvnm9 wrote

I think that’s you buddy


Nestormahkno19d t1_ivou5u7 wrote

Yea I just have a bachelors in political science and a masters in public administration but what do I know?


UnderratedLegends t1_ivou7yr wrote

What school?


Nestormahkno19d t1_ivpeh4z wrote

I’ll tell you but first explain why you think that matters because I’m guessing you’re feeling insecure about your GED right now so your only means of response is to try to label the school I attended as some kind of “cultural Marxism” factory and therefore invalidating my education and opinion. Is that about right?


UnderratedLegends t1_ivpf3g6 wrote

No I just wanted to see if you went to an actual accredited university, but since you couldn’t say. I’m going to assume that was a no and I also have my masters an MBA definitely better than a MPA. You’re a waste of my time.


Nestormahkno19d t1_ivpnho1 wrote

Literally first thing I said was I’d tell you if you answered my question. UNH Durham for undergraduate, UNH Manchester for masters. And I know more than enough people with MBA’s to know that not impressive but enjoy your little fantasy. I also don’t have student loans because my veterans benefits paid for my education. Hope your MBA makes you loads of cash so you’re not trapped in debt


TravelingTequila t1_ivonxo5 wrote

It's common for one of the most independent states in the country to have split tickets. Not common nationally anymore.

Some people here think about the candidates rather than just blindly voting a party line. That's a good thing.


livefreethendie t1_ivpmj6j wrote

Nh would probably go straight republican if the candidates were more like sununu and less like trump.