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cwalton505 t1_is80hdt wrote

What a crock of photoshopped shit that left on its own would have been a great photo. But I doubt you even took it at this point


granitestate6 t1_is7jlsj wrote

Imma just gonna nudge the saturation up a tad.


Majestic-Alfalfa-754 t1_is7kqq7 wrote

Filtering on Indian head. There, I fixed the title.


beyond_hatred t1_is7x925 wrote

It's an Instagram world now. A pretty photograph is just never enough any more because the photographer is competing with everyone else who is using filters. It's exactly the same problem with professional cycling. You can never hope to win if you don't cheat like everyone else.


Majestic-Alfalfa-754 t1_is7ylis wrote

Maybe the trick is being happy with the picture you took and not giving a shit what other people do.


beyond_hatred t1_is7z42q wrote

I absolutely agree, but almost by definition people posting their photos on the internet are seeking approval.


NeLaX44 t1_is8xwrl wrote

Too much filter, IMO


SinisterMeatball t1_isarfqq wrote

Changing the hue sliders in Photoshop and boosting the contrast and saturation to +60.


larrybird56 t1_isdi6ly wrote

My first thought. The original was so much better I'm sure.


[deleted] t1_is7ykd5 wrote

Even the clouds picking up a little of that fall color.


PurpleUrchin603 t1_is9gdv6 wrote

Brand **spanking** new sub for all your New Hampshire wants and needs
Not overwhelmed with "massholes" or whatever state you wish to demonize (I'm particular to Maine, myself, but you do you)
Not overwhelmed with posts of "I want to move to NH and I am looking for a single family home on 6 acres with easy access to public transportation for $200k" (aka... unicorn seekers)
Politics are OK. They are an inherent part of living in NH. And they are important, as they impact us all. In fact, at least 1 mod will be lefty and at least 1 mod will be righty (once we get numbers up and people volunteer to MOD). I'd like to have a handful of mods so that the power doesn't rest in the hands of ONE individual. Freestaters will be allowed to post but not MOD. Because unlike with r/NewHampshire freestaters will not control this sub nor ban members for (rightfully) bashing freestaters.
Will have a bipartisan MOD group when possible, so all sides are equally represented
Foliage/nature pics are always encouraged
Keep in mind that you are speaking to your fellow neighbors when you are posting; be civil, be polite
Not moderated by one freestater, who has better things to do like argue that the age of consent should be 0
Not overrun by bears
Will not encourage NH voting to secede from the US
Will not encourage selling Gunstock to Vail